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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Did you tame that shrew?
  2. The Rock Jedi's Way by Arno Skywalker
  3. Dru

    Miles Davis

    The Bill Laswell dub remix of Miles' canon is pretty good.
  4. Dru


    Maybe Mount Shue Xian?
  5. Teuthophagous cetacean!
  6. Dru


    Shu' kan, shu' will.
  7. Night vision goggles work great!
  8. Why not Bald Egos, huh?
  9. he used a Wiregate Oval cause of the Office.
  10. Labour, colour, cheque, flavour, odour, armour, rumour, Zed with a D
  11. Sourcing labour to poorer countries helps alleviate global poverty. I read it in The Economist so it must be true. Fairweather wants people in poorer countries to starve by paying rich people much more money to do the jobs poor people are willing to do for less money. This is a MISALLOCATION OF RESOURCES! Next thing you know he will be joining A UNION
  12. Is there a puddle you can point it at to see how wet the ground is?
  13. Bush = chimp. Chimp DNA sequenced. Therefore it is now possible to determine just exactly how Bush differs from a human.
  14. Patagucci, as a business, can and do engage in whaever tactics they feel will increase their sales. In this case, being green fits the wealthy environmentalist market they sell to. If you would applaud them for funding the NRA then how can you fault them for funding the Ruckus Society? The ethical principle is the same.
  15. 1% is still ONE MILLION TIMES MORE than "nothing"
  16. Dru


    AlpineK they need your skills. Pig killing spreee to go ahead!
  17. The evolutionary biologists already know that so-called junk DNA has a function. Don't these guys read Scientific American?
  18. Dru

    MMMM Yummy!

    Bump. What's for dinner?
  19. Now that is fucking classic! Except that for Bob it should be as altered above.
  20. Dude I could have told you your mind would get more use if you dropped acid and watched "Waking Life" What The etc. was better off retitled as Why The (bleep) Would Anyone Watch This Gibberish.
  21. That'd be a Coonyard coon.
  22. "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Ben Franklin.
  23. It's even funnier with JoshK's characterization of him as the 'typical neocon asshole'. How appropriate
  24. Dru

    media skew part tew

    Looting vs. finding
  25. it may help if you search for Smoke A Thai wall instead of Toketie Wall
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