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Everything posted by chucK

  1. Anybody know whether the ACLU has been contacted or has a stance about this stuff?
  2. How many people showed at the CascadeClimbers Fall Ropeup last year? I'm just wondering if it was above the amount you guys and gals have deemed acceptable? Ol' Mattp is already starting to devise plans for a truly extravagant extravaganza this Fall. Judging from the recent Pube Clubs there's probably gonna be a shitload of folks wanting to attend that thing. I guess Matt better figure out someway to regulate the number of folks attending. Perhaps he could institute a stiff fee. After all Darrington is a good place to climb if you don't own any trad gear. How many of you folks that deem the mountiehoarde unacceptably high also support the quotas on number of summiteers on Mt. Rainier, or campers in the Enchantments?
  3. quote: Originally posted by pope: A solution to the Mountaineers and their meadow-trampling ways: limit the size of the basic class by charging more money. Pope, I am beginning to see a pattern here. You wanna keep people out of the mountains by charging more money, at the Mountaineers class AND by forcing young punks to buy trad gear. Are you pro Fee-demo too, you elitist pig?
  4. What Phil said. It was a "notice of noncompliance". Received somewhere in the Skykomish area. I have heard of two people (Charlie, and another guy) who got letters in the mail demanding payment. Both of these "infractions" were on the Eastside. I think Charlie's was from Tieton (?), and the other guys was received at Vantage. [ 04-18-2002, 11:29 AM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  5. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!!! Did Allison get moderating powers? History has/is been/being rewritten.
  6. chucK

    bar poll

    I knew these poll thingies were a bad idea
  7. quote: Originally posted by erik: HOW DOES COOPERS IN NORTH SEATTLE SOUND?? We would KILL at trivia since we all know what happened on 5-8-77.
  8. chucK

    bar poll

    I think we should meet at the place that's just south about a block from that place that has a name like an animal or, I think, begins with the letter "L". or maybe it's a "T"? That place is GOOD!!!!
  9. chucK

    bar poll

    quote: Originally posted by mattp: -- ChucK?? Huh, mmph, what?? Yeah, yeah, whatever you say mattp. You're the coolest and have been to every pub club by my estimate.
  10. chucK

    bar poll

    quote: Originally posted by rayborbon: quote:Originally posted by chucK: I refuse to vote . The choices do not include Cooper's Fiddler's Inn Park Pub or The Virginia Inn You are too slow. Looks like it may well be Alki. C'mon fellow gapers and lurkers just vote anyway. Piss someone off I wanna post a poll but it won't let me! So do only moderators get to post polls? I wanna be a moderator. I'LL SHOW YOU GUYS !!!! I say we vote on One of Eric's choices Somewhere else!!!!!!!
  11. chucK

    REI report

    Probably not at REI. They are probably OUT OF STOCK.
  12. chucK

    bar poll

    I refuse to vote . The choices do not include Cooper's Fiddler's Inn Park Pub or The Virginia Inn
  13. quote: Originally posted by Dave Schuldt: Chuck - what about the Cottage Inn? I don't know this Cottage Inn place. Are you talking about the Fiddler's Inn? Just South of SN's old place? If so, I vote for that! The Fiddler's Inn. Or Cooper's , who cares if there's a couple of wieners playing trivia there? Or the Park Pub , $2.50 pints How about the Virginia Inn ? That's a classy joint.
  14. Just went into REI today. I needed to buy some cordage. I thought while I was in there I could buy the new Brown Beckey. I wanted to get the 5.5 wonder-fabric cordage (titan? Gemini? whatever). They don't have any! Surprise. Suprise. THEY ARE OUT OF STOCK I asked the guy if it was hard to get, and he said "It's spring. We got a run on climbing stuff." Duh. So anyway, I didn't buy the book either. I'll go to someplace that supports climbing. Like the Mountaineers! Just thought you'd like to know. REI sucks.
  15. chucK

    Pub Club

    Is that a good place? I've never heard of it. Do you mean the Fiddler's Inn? Perhaps it changed names? Anyway, I don't wanna be surrounded by a bunch of Trekies spouting the lines they memorized from the Holy Grail That would suck big time. I mean how would the 1st time lurkers recognize us in that crowd? Anyway, ooops I said that before. Yeah whatever. Like I said before, the Park Pub kicks ass with 2.50$ pints on Tuesday. I will try to check out this Cottage Inn place and get back to you guys . Whatever we pick I'd rather not it be the Lucky 7. That place is lame. Did have darts though.
  16. You can't use "safety" as your excuse for needing to pass someone on CC. On any route where the descent is rapping the route, the quickest way to the ground and out of "harm's way" is to just rap from wherever you are. If you pass, you ARE going to slow the party you're passing down. You passing them might make the difference between them getting to the top or being benighted. If you're gonna pass, make damn sure you got yer shit together so you slow them down as little as possible.
  17. Goatboy, I think the responses have been rather restrained. Unless SEF is a completely naive idiot (and I don't think he is), he was prepared when he sent his first post for much worse than has actually happened. I say, with a few exceptions, congratulations CascadeClimbers for keeping your comments, if not not nice, at least to the point and based upon facts. Peter, The optimal number of climbers on a basic rock climb is four. At least one experienced leader. At least one hottie. At least one sub 25-year old who drank too much last night who will blow chunks on the approach and make the older participants who got to bed at 7pm the night before feel smug. For basic glacier climbs where you're camping on snow, the optimal number is not bounded above; however, federal constraints may apply. For all other climbs, the optimal number is 6. At least one experienced leader, one leader with at least a couple years in the intermediate course, at most one unexperienced [read basic grad qualifications only]leader. Increase the minimum number of females to two. Still at least one hottie. Pope, Please check my math. As for the Musketeers only knowing one way to do stuff and being very regimented about the rules. I think that is GOOD!!! When you are first starting out climbing you oughta stick to some basic safety rules. Inexperienced people aren't yet qualified enough to really know when and why some rules don't apply in some situations. So, should stick to some very safe rules [like no sololing, bringing the 10 essentials, etc.] until they get enough experience to know better. Everybody on this board has safety rules they never really question. Some oughta have more. Knocking people for being too safe is lame. Mind your own business. If there's a Musketeer blanket rule that you believe puts people in danger, I'd be very surprised. I'd like to hear about it, and I'm sure SEF would too. Finally. If the Musketeers wanna arrange bus transportation to their field trips. More power too them. Less cars=good.
  18. actually stefan it does not affect the access to garfield.........[/QB]It does between Nov 1 and April 15 quote: as for chimmeny it does, but that is a brutal approach anyways...much nicer to come in from the rachel lks area........Erik I think U R konfuzed. Rachel Lakes is a long ways from Chimney. The approach to the backside of Chimney Rock via the Dutch Miller Gap trail is beautiful, almost completely brushless and pretty easy. This trail also feeds a beautiful hiking approach to Bears Breast and Little Big Chief. Little Big Chief is a great doable day hike (I did it this last Sept) via the MF road. quote: and dont frogot big snow and all the stuff Big Snow via Hardscrabble Lakes is a nice scramble or 10 pitches of clean granite. quote: in many wayz this is bad, buti think in the end it is the a good decision and i am notifying the tool that i agree... Please let us know why you think this is a good decision Erik. I don't think it is. Gating the road at Dingford creek is not going to affect the "lawlessnes". That is all going on West of Dingford Creek. The reason they are gating it at Dingford is because a bunch of wimps don't or can't drive the road past there and are all ready to give up the access of everybody who can. Easy to give away other people's stuff. quote: we should be less selfish about the mountains and let them be or atleast give them a chance to relax a bit too........ This is not about letting the mountains rest. It is about people who are afraid of hooligans.
  19. quote: Originally posted by erik: actually we rap bolted the whole thing 3 ft sqaure......we have named and graded all the routes....next stop is to actually send them. Too late dude. I went up there yesterday and stole all the hangers.
  20. You don't need any of that stuff
  21. Hey all you like me who could not bust the inertia and head to Index on this beautiful sunny day. Now is the time!! It's gonna be raining for the next 40 days. I'm fleeing the office now. UW Rock. Be there! I'll give a parking pass to the first CC.comer. Later. See you there. I'll be the guy with the old-style Huecos and the math geek shirt.
  22. chucK

    Sad End Of An Era

    I have heard from reputable sources that the old van was recycled. The rusting hulk was cut up and used to make bolt hangers to replace those stolen out at Vantage. To honor the bus's ultimate sacrifice to give life to ailing bolt-lines, Boschido is going to be renamed Bus-chido in the new guide. That is soooo cool.
  23. quote: Originally posted by fleblebleb: Would someone post human-readable directions to whatever place it is? quote: Originally posted by rodeo: Location = Lucky 7 Saloon 12715 Ne 124th Kirkland, WA 98034-8307 From the Space Needle1. Start on BROAD ST going towards BROAD ST 0.6 2. Continue on BROAD ST 0.1 3. Take I-5 and Bear Right on VALLEY ST 0.1 4. Turn Right on TERRY AVE N 0.1 5. Turn Left on MERCER ST 0.7 6. Take the I-5 NORTH ramp 1.1 7. Follow the ramp to towards BELLEVUE/KIRKLAND 1.0 8. Continue on EVERGREEN POINT FLOATING BRG 2.6 9. Continue on WA-520 EAST 3.6 10. Follow the ramp to I-405 NORTH towards EVERETT 4.8 11. Take the N.E. 124TH ST. exit towards RAMP, exit number 20B 0.1 12. Take the N.E. 124TH ST. exit towards NE 124TH ST 0.0 13. Turn Right onto NE 124TH ST 0.5 14. Arrive at destination From Index WA1. Start on INDEX AVE going towards 5TH ST 0.0 2. Bear Left on 5TH ST 0.1 3. Turn Right on INDEX-GALENA RD 1.0 4. Bear Right on US-2 35.5 5. Bear Left to take the I-5 SOUTH ramp towards SEATTLE 11.4 6. Follow the ramp to I-405 SOUTH towards BELLEVUE/RENTON 9.5 7. Take the N.E. 124TH ST. exit towards NE 124TH ST, exit number 20 0.0 8. Turn Left onto NE 124TH ST 0.5 9. Arrive at destination [ 04-08-2002: Message edited by: chucK ]
  24. Sounds good to me Anybody wanna go to Index today? Really. Email or PM soon!
  25. Anybody out there got some kid's climbing shoes they want to sell? Preferably about size 1 (US size). Chuckcspieker@attbi.com
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