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  1. Past hour
  2. Thanks so much for the support Porter, I really appreciate it! It's hard to believe fourteen years has gone by since I started NWA. Cascadeclimbers.com was where our first customers came from, and it's been a completely wild ride since then. Though I always lurked way more than I posted, this site was a big inspiration to me when I was climbing a lot. I think it's a shame that social media has largely stolen attention from forums/communities like cc.com. It's hard to build a real community when it is mediated by a mega-corporation thats sole focus is the bottom line. Unfortunately over the last decade+, just as giant social media companies have drowned out smaller independent sites like this one, the same thing has happened in the outdoor industry generally. A handful of large corporations dominate the market and essentially form an oligopoly. Most of these brands are now publicly traded, owned by large conglomerates, or both. Even the one owned by the planet sells a billion and a half dollars worth of apparel and makes hundreds of millions in profits annually. As a small independent and self-funded brand focused on technical apparel, it's REALLY difficult to have companies with unlimited resources as your competition. And then to try to make everything in the US where the apparel manufacturing supply chain has all but disappeared...crazy. But we're doing it anyway because we think it's the right thing to do for the people and the earth. I know a lot of you care about the same things we do and if you're not familiar with NWA, please check us out. To conclude this novel, I'm super grateful for the support from Cascadeclimbers.com. It is an invaluable, independent, resource for Northwest climbers that deserves our attention now more than ever!
  3. Today
  4. It’s kind of heavy. Works great for Kiba but he is 50 lbs. I think you should make the cat a Swami belt.
  5. i never left. the footprints are when i carried you
  6. @olyclimber yeah that L'Town cat and I go way back. He's living on my couch rent free, bums for food all the time, demands his shit get picked up every couple of days. He's an asshole but makes up for his sense of adventure and hard first feline ascents (FFAs). Pic related, here he is flashing some of the Forestland V0s: I'll have him size up the Ruffwear harness and will report back. If that doesn't work I'll rig something with tube webbing and some buckles salvaged from the Victoria's Secret leather lingerie I have lying around.
  7. I would think a cat could pull off a hell of a dyno
  8. Love it! I know a certain L'town cat that sends the gnar. This is Kiba's harness, the one you mention above: https://ruffwear.com/products/doubleback-harness It's a dogs world when it comes to climbing, so for a cat you may not find any products, so would have to roll your own solution.
  9. Appreciate it guys! We are still taking funds for the site, there is a button to donate. AAI, our sponsor, pays our monthly server hosting bill, which is huge. Without that, I would be continuously bugging you guys for money or be faced with turning things off. Think a never-ending public radio fund drive. That would suck. But Cascadeclimbers.com also has its own fund that you all contribute to, and the money is used to pay for software licensing, domain name costs, things like that. We also *could* use funds for paying a developer, but for now there just isn't enough to do that. What would be awesome is if we could find a climber who is also a developer and good with PHP/MSQL who has the time and energy to help solve a few problems for the site. But also understand that we need this developer(s) to have bought in to how we are running the site. Myself and all the moderators who participate are doing this without pay. We do it to keep the community/site going. Any developer working with use has to be ok with that and do it for the love of the site and community. Regarding the site, there are a few things I would like to at least consider changing, and obviously recreating the search function would be nice. We also have image issues that may be fixed in bulk with code. We may also want to consider moving from Invision forums at some point as I'm not super enamored with the support and direction the software is going, but given the current landscape of the products in this space it may be the best option.
  10. Sam - I pretty much have everything. Send me an email to remind me and I can send you some stuff.
  11. Yesterday
  12. Stefan


    Gentlemen. The last word in the acronym REI is "Incorporated"
  13. Big car to car alpine missions I'll double-scoop tailwind powder into 2x500ml soft flasks of water and ziplock bag a bunch of extra. If the USFS ever stopped and frisked me down it'd look like I'm muling bricks of Colombian energy powder. Couple of handfuls of various energy gel shots, with a caffeinated one thrown in as well. Slices of leftover pizza; load up the toppings.
  14. Asking for a friend 😉 Looking for anyone's experience with pet harnesses, especially strength rated ones for climbing. Ruffwear has their Doubleback harness that's rated to 8.9kN which seems like it would check a lot of boxes. Other thoughts were to get crafty with some Bluewater 1" tube webbing. I know a cat that's interested in sending some of the local classics. He's built like a stacked ferret, very long and medium girth so he usually fits a small dog harness. He's a shit belayer (no belay loop needed) but MAN can he run it out on some of the local slab boulder problems.
  15. Also interested in lending a hand where I can. Always happy to throw some pennies towards the @olyclimber coffee/beer fund. I'll nudge some of the LTown posters that I know to get back to work on trip reports here. Raising kids and being busy with life is temporary; shitposting on CC.com is forever.
  16. Jason and his AAI crew continue to support this site, providing the financial backing that pays our monthly hosting bill that keeps the lights on. We have continued gratitude for that! I also added a second advertisement to the site for NW Alpine. It's not in its final landing spot, as I've got to figure out a better way to host the advertisement. We are hosting this ad for free for a while, with Jason's blessing (AAI continues to be our sole sponsor, aside from donations from you which help pay the other costs like software licensing, etc). If you know NW Alpine, they are a local, Northwest company making great outdoor apparel.... manufacturing in the United States. In the past NW Alpine has supported Cascadeclimbers.com, so we are returning the favor as Bill Amos and company continue the battle to maintain domestic manufacturing. The ethos we see for Cascadeclimbers.com is as a local, non-corporate alternative, a community of people who share the same passion. Oh yes, we have our differences! But we are here because we love to climb, hike, ski, accumulate closets full of gear, photograph, and spray about all of it. And I think the story telling format of our TRs are the crown jewel.
  17. Last week
  18. Hey fellow climbers. I was glissading down Mt. St. Helens on 5/15/2024 and my phone fell out of my pocket somewhere between the summit and the bottom of the vertical beach. Please let me know if it is found. The phone is a Samsung Galaxy 8 and has a white phone case. If the phone still has power, the lock screen is a picture of Obi-Wan from Star Wars.
  19. Maybe not fair, but definitely reality. My guess is that rural landowners are increasingly likely to take matters into their own hands as predator populations continue to expand in the wake of hunting regulations changes in WA (elimination of spring bear, elimination of hound hunting, etc.).
  20. If you have chickens and cats and small dogs running around your yard that abuts the forest, then you're asking for all kinds of critters to come in and eat them: cougar, fox, coyote, raccoon, bear owl, eagle to name a few. It's like leaving an open bag of Doritos on the counter and admonishing your teenagers (or stoned friends) for eating them. Not fair.
  21. Lake Leland. Two cats. One I believe is dead. The other is wearing a collar now. Were you at (in general) in Quil?
  22. "Fred Beckey, LLC commits 100% of all Annual Net Profits from sales derived from licensing Fred Beckey™ to environmental causes and mountain conservation; this might also include political contributions."
  23. Fred Beckey(TM) https://www.fredbeckeyllc.com/ The licensing opportunities boggle the mind. Who woulda thunk it.
  24. Hi! I stumbled upon this site recently. It’s amazing! I mainly use it to view trip reports. I have no tech skills or experience, but I am interested in keeping this site alive and non-profit. Let me know if there is any way I can volunteer
  25. Hey folks, this might be a bit of a long shot but I recently I have been doing a deep dive into Bellingham and Chuckanut climbing history, and I am trying to track down a few old guidebooks for some info. The main two I am looking for are "A Rock Climber's Guide to Bellingham Rock!" by Jason Henrie 1997, and "Boulders and cliffs : climber's guide to lowland rock in the Skagit & Whatcom Counties" by Dallas Kloke 1971. I reached out to Henrie, but he said he no longer has copies of his guidebooks, and there is an old thread on here saying the WWU OC had a copy for checkout in 2007, but it no longer seems to be true. The WWU library is supposed to have the Kloke book in special collections but when I went to see their copy they were unable to find it... The UW library might have a copy though. If anyone these books and would be willing to send me some photos/scans, or if you are local and would let me come take a look, I would really appreciate it! Thank you so much
  26. Where is this? I sometimes start my hikes by headlamp in the Quilcene area.
  27. What.....the.....hell!!! @rob is back??!!
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