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Been diggin' around....finding pictures of many of my old climbing buddies. Here are a few that did well in their day but didn't quite work out:




Sassy Sarah...great gal, but inattentive at the belays...had an annoying laugh and always forgot to bring food. Length of time as climbing buddy: two years.





Tito: Here he is pictured in his "A-5+ Rumble-Suit". Didn't speak English. Climbing was just a fad to Tito, like some many other things, and when he quit and took up roller-blading, he sold his gear at a swap-meet where I found some of my own 'biners for sale!!! No hard feelings, Tito. I'm sure it was just a sorting error. Length of time as climbing buddy: two months.





Linda: There were conflict of interest issues here. I refused to be seen in public with her when she was wearing her custom Capt. Kirk costume and she regularly bitched at me about my use of the term "trekking poles" because she thought it was disrespectful. The final straw was when I found one of her fake martian ears stuck to the inside of the wool hat I lent her. Length of time as climbing buddy: two weeks.





Ah Debbie! I met this citizen of faux Bavaria in Leavenworth. Said she was a "big-wall mama"....she was not. Said she could climb "anything made out of granite"....she could not. Claimed to be in "graduate school"...actually repeating her high-school senior year.

Length of Time as climbing buddy: two hours.


Humorous D-Wayne.

I remember a climber I met in Leavingworth once. He was an odd fellow: he pretended to be giving commands to his partner in German. He also had a tendency to leave his gear at the base of climbs in the hope that others would carry it out for him.

I don't have a picture of him, but you might find one for me eh?


N by NW, he say: "Humorous D-Wayne.

I remember a climber I met in Leavingworth once. He was an odd fellow: he pretended to be giving commands to his partner in German. He also had a tendency to leave his gear at the base of climbs in the hope that others would carry it out for him. I don't have a picture of him, but you might find one for me eh?"


Dude! That sounds like me!!!! (Pictured below with an early mentor.)







Dat funny. Charlie told my buddy Tommy that when you guys first hiked up to the wall and heard us trading commands (and nasty talk) auf Deutch, he asked you whether the guys up there were really from Deutschland (knowing that you are familiar with the language). Accorindg to Charlie, you listened a minute and then said, "Yeah, I think they're for real."


Ihr Gesicht riecht auch wie Fisch.


das Schwartz Dwaynerisch ist nicht so groß wie grosses Lous. Folglich bezog sein einschmeichelnder Neid aller Sachen bis das grosse. Ich weiß nicht, warum Papst in seinem Schlafsack klar wird, noch ich wünsche zu jetzt.


Papst in seinem Schlafsack crapped während der cirque Expedition mit Donna oberem Schritt. Erhalten Sie ihn einmal getrunken und Sie hören die ganze Geschichte. Ich glaube ihm tat sie, weil er eine unterbewußte Furcht vor Intimacy mit Frau hat, das seine kletternden Gleichgestellten sind. Folglich das crap im Beutel. Aber was weiß ich? Möglicherweise träumte er von den snafflehounds. snaf.gif


Isnt Babelfish great?


das Schwartz Dwaynerisch ist nicht so groß wie grosses Lous


This seems to translate (roughly) as, "The black Dwayner-like is not as big as Big Lou."


Dwayner? You been experimenting with pigmentation modifications?


A couple more of my former climbing buddies:




This is Steve, although he always insisted on being called Steven. Always introduced me as his "partner" to his other friends. Drove me crazy with his incessant whistling of show-tunes. Found a more compatible "partner".




Meet Rabbi Schlomo....you should be so lucky! A good guy, a real mensch, but could only climb on week days. Had a custom-made helmet to fit under that hat. A master of trad. rock. Where do you think I got my "sport-climbing is lame and unethical" attitude?....you guessed it, Rabbi Schlomo.


Yup, thems wuz the daze!


Dwayner bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif

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