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cracks, mud and the art of climbing zen


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it was indeed a suprise to wake up on the morning of December 23rd to the SUN. Yes, the sun does shine in Oregon SOMETIMES. So what could happen??? kids are out of school jk was stuck in work there seemed to be no hope for any climbing fun frown.gif


But then, a ray of light... jk skipped out of work in the early afternoon and we decided to see if we still knew how to climb cracks outside at the local crag Skinners Butte.


As jk rushed home to pick us up I franticly packed gear and readied the children to actualy (gasp) go. Yes this is frightening as with small children you just never know how they will react.


20 minutes later we arived. There was one other car in the lot but NO ONE was climbing Fat (sigh) Crack. We threw our gear down in the mud and tied the children up wink.gif (not realy, we just told them where they could play) and jk began to lead this easy 5.8. Now you have to remember... this is not Leavenworth or Index climbing... no this is fairly straight forword easy stuff that we climb all the time in the summer. I was shocked when i looked up and jk seemed a little shaky... hmmmm what will happen??? hey at least the kids were being good cool.gif


jk thrutches his way to the top and sets the top rope for me. I decide that I will climb the next climb over, Hard Lieback. it 's a little harder but I was totaly cruising it this summer, no problem I think to myself as I prepare to top rope.


I move onto the rock... holy shit how do you do this again? the rock was ice cold and the crack was filled with mud. I yanked and pulled and thrutched my way threw the first mini crux. I am gaspin for air, my toes are frozen but I made it and I am almost half way to the top... then I put my left foot into the crack and brace it on a small edge and go for a high step and my ankle twists... that's it I fall frown.gif now I am pissed! how can I fall damn it mad.gif so I get back on and climb up further and flail my way finaly to the top. jk lowers me to the ground.


so now it is jk's turn to climb again.He decides to climb Hard Lieback this time. Now two guys have shown up and set up to climb just over from us... and being me, I am busy talking to them and don't even pay attention to jk, wink.gif but he seems much more solid on this climb... it is starting to come back to him.


My turn again. I wimp out and decide to climb Fat crack.... Oh yeah, NOW THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!! I totaly cruise it. Smooth as silk. I am not even on this planet any more. I have reached my ZEN.... YEAH>>>>>>


so then the kids each take a turn, and they are super cute and climb higher than they have before




jk then climbs Fat crack one last time to take down our anchor, and he has found it too. He climbs smooth and solid, almost like it is well july except it is cold and we have to go home because the sun is setting frown.gif


so any way, the point is that winter SUCKS! but at least we got today in smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif

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the rock was ice cold and the crack was filled with mud. I yanked and pulled and thrutched my way threw the first mini crux. I am gaspin for air, my toes are frozen but I made it


Do that about 30 times and you'll be set for alpine climbing!!! Ah, I'm just jealous 'cause I was stuck in the office. Way to go.

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