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What do guys want for x-mas?


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If you want Grape Nuts with less sugar, try not putting any milk on them!! Seriously now, Grape nuts have a ton of sugar?




And to the wife who is looking for something for her husband...unless you've got some sort of discretionary fund, i.e. some money that is not his too, why waste yours and his money by buying him something he doesn't want? I mean, it's fun being surprised by something you really like, but the downside is is that it sucks to get something totally stupid and totally expensive from your wife that you are basically paying for, but cannot take it back or else you'll hurt her feelings. Buy him a carabiner. Grinch.JPG



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Good use of Grinchiness chucK, though you do have a good point. But that also gets back at the whole point of holidays. Is it really about having to buy a gift, or is the gift just a vehicle for saying something else that most people don't say on a daily basis?



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Good observation. However, don't people always ask you what you would like to receive? I always hated those people who asked what you wanted and then bought you something completely different and not anything you would like. I think that is shitty gift-giving skills. When I choose a gift, I want to get something that the person is going to appreciate and want to use.

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