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u nowz i didynt meenzs to votes twice!!!!!!!


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I'd also like to know what "special rights" you are against, pink. Can you give me some concrete examples?


i don't have anything against gays, in fact i see you you guys lap each other on here all the time and i don't have a problem with it ;)


But you didn't answer my question. What special rights are there specifically that you disagree with?


you sound like kevbone now!


i'll answer if ttk tells us if he ever had any sort of trouble taking pics of women, since he is so adamant about violence against women which includes stalking...

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Called it. It's a dodge.


Typically, when I ask righties a specific policy question, I get a dodge or an insult in response. On rare occasions the questioner honestly admits they don't know the details. On the rarest of occasions, I get a cogent response.


I'm a glass half full kind of person. Those few instances actually make up for the Amazon of ignorance from which phrases like 'special rights' flow.


Edited by tvashtarkatena
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it takes a dodge to know a dodge ;)


Nope. It doesn't. I state my political opinions specifically, clearly, and back them up with evidence. So does Rob. And Ivan.


You don't give a detailed opinion on 'special rights' because you don't have one.


you don't give a detailed version of you taking pictures of women and almost getting ur ass kicked, stalking??? i think so...



anyway if i say im against special rights, weather it's for gays or polygamist or catholics or political groups doesn't mean i have to tell you why. i believe in punishments that fit crimes. like getting ur ass handed to you if your a creeper :)

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Tell us why? You're light years from that level of detail.


You can't even define what you mean by special rights, because you don't have a definition. You're unaware of any specific cases where gays have either advocated for or been granted 'special rights' not enjoyed by the rest of the population. Not one.


Unlike many of the righties I've talked to, you're not even big enough to admit any of this and just say "Hey, its not really my thing." Even so, you maintain a strong opinion, based on...nothing.


IE, you're just towing a standard replicant talking point, as amorphous and infantile as they come, and probably telling yourself you're a free thinker for it to boot.


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You can't even define what you mean by special rights, because that's as far as you broad brush brain can take you. You're unaware of any specific cases where gays have either advocated for or been granted 'special rights' not enjoyed by the rest of the population. Not one.


Unlike many of the righties I've talked to, you're not even big enough to admit any of this and just say "Hey, its not really my thing." Yet you have a strong opinion, based on...nothing.


IE, you're just towing a standard replicant talking point, as amorphous and infantile as they come, and probably telling yourself you're a free thinker for it to boot.


but yet you're for violence against women act and you like to be a bit stalky at times. that's rich!

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You've had two posters here ask you a very basic question. What do you mean by special rights? It shouldn't be hard to answer it in a sentence or two and give at least one example of what you're talking about. I can, have, and will continue to do that for any political issue for which I have an opinion.


So, are you going to continue to dodge this question or answer it?

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You've had two posters here ask you a very basic question. What do you mean by special rights? It shouldn't be hard to answer it in a sentence or two and give at least one example of what you're talking about. I can, have, and will continue to do that for any political issue for which I have an opinion.


So, are you going to continue to dodge this question or answer it?


come on ttk, tell us about ur little incident...

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Yeah, that's what I thought.


I'm damn glad I've got friends who back up their opinions with a wee bit of thoughtfulness and knowledge. It's way more honest and interesting.



supports violence against women but yet creeps on them, classic! yo ole dawg!!!

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Special rights is a term originally used by libertarians to refer to laws granting rights to one or more groups which are not extended to other groups.[1] Ideas of special rights are controversial, as they clash with the principle of equality before the law.

Potential examples of special rights include affirmative action policies or hate crime legislation with regard to ethnic, religious or sexual minorities, or the state recognition of marriage as a group with different taxation than those who are non-married.[1]

Concepts of special rights are closely aligned with notions of group rights and identity politics.


More recently, social conservatives have used the term to more narrowly refer to measures that extend existing rights for heterosexual couples to gays and lesbians, such as in the case of same sex marriage, or that include sexual orientation as a civil rights minority group.[citation needed] This term is also used internationally, for example Sonderrechte in Germany, although it is used regarding special traffic right-of-way exceptions given to emergency response and military vehicles.[2]


Special Rights


Are you currently residing in Germany Pink?

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what's to tell? i seem to recall being there and the ensuing drama lasted all of 24 hours and involved a mere handful of hillbillies who had actually nothing to be wierded out about, and who were soon placated n' went away when the pic ole pat took w/o any protest at the time (and which was thoroughly unoffensive nor particularly interesting) was taken down...


...now that you promoted it to watergatian proportions, what was your point? :)

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what's to tell? i seem to recall being there and the ensuing drama lasted all of 24 hours and involved a mere handful of hillbillies who had actually nothing to be wierded out about, and who were soon placated n' went away when the pic ole pat took w/o any protest at the time (and which was thoroughly unoffensive nor particularly interesting) was taken down...


...now that you promoted it to watergatian proportions, what was your point? :)

I think I'm reading the point was that his allmighty trashmagesty is not only a know it all with a god complex who can't seem to be nice and/or EVER wrong about anything. Apology is apparently not even in his vocabulary, at least not in the sense of delivering them. He puffs himself up to be an all knowing political and scientific super hero to folks online, mostly by belittling them if they disagree or don't bow in homage to his thor-at-i, but also some sort of stalker perve. That's what I read of it, anywho. Sounds juicy though. Oh, here comes the usually rant of me being drunk the day after my divorce. Gotta rub some sand in the guys face when he's down and out. It would be fun to see this settled "Bully Beat Down" :battlecage: style. My money is on Pink. :) Loser gets banned for life and gives a formal apology for being an ass.
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not that old boy would need nor want me to stick up for him, but nope, there's no element to that story i unfurled (assuming that's what pink's referring to? it's the only thing i can think of) that was stalkerish in the slightest. just bitches talking shit about something they weren't within several hundred miles of when it went down...


as to tvashie acting like an asshole on a regular basis on these here interwebz, sure, who'd contest that? boy likes to flip people shit, and this here is the place for it! his style is far more confrontational than mine, but then i spend my whole professional life w/ dipshits who i've a contractual obligation to suffer w/o complaint, so it's mostly just habit for me - it's possible he actually cares a great deal more than me about the way the world works out... :)


if you, pink n' pat were all on jeopardy at the same time, though i've nuttin'but'wuf 4 the buncha you, i've no doubt where'd i'd place my bet! what're the odds either of you 2 dingle-berries could rattle off the classical laws of motion or expound upon the glories of the dear departed nicolas kepler, name the protections of the 3rd amendment offhand or sort out who stephen decatur was? :grin:

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Apology is apparently not even in his vocabulary, at least not in the sense of delivering them.

nonsense, i have at least one witness to him apologizing after abandoning The Team for the better part of an hour to go smoke weed w/ li'l hotties in a scenic hot-tub after promising us he'd be back in 5 minutes n' we shouldn't move from the spot till then :grin:


i forgave'em quite quickly, i might add, waht w/ the flush of an el cap ascent, a gutful of wine, n' a fresh pack of camels in my claws and in my conscience ...plus we got to join the party soon thereafter and we got fancy book-lernt on the location of the constellation cygnus :)

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