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Fucking republicans


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and "college" - holy shit, books are for nerds n' fags! if it was the "electoral grid-iron of champions!!! " we'd have no problems at all :)


If the republicans were winning elections, they'd have "no problems at all" with the EC :)


'course, a popular vote won't help them there, either. So, might as well try redistricting!

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and "college" - holy shit, books are for nerds n' fags! if it was the "electoral grid-iron of champions!!! " we'd have no problems at all :)


If the republicans were winning elections, they'd have "no problems at all" with the EC :)


'course, a popular vote won't help them there, either. So, might as well try redistricting!


If there were no EC, election campaigns would be run very differently, with money spent in states that are not even contested. There would be other changes (and benefits) as well. And your snarkiness ignores these realities.


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"the fucking republicans" band concept:

- all dressed to the tees

- all closet gay

- all songs really shitty covers of 80s classics that were kinda stupid at the time, but w/o the reasonable excuse then of having been likable because yer nuts hadn't yet progressed past the peach-fuzz stage

- all tickets beyond the price range of the ignorant hillbillies who can't afford them, yet inexplicably make up the kkkore of the fanbase

- mascot: "the quayle-monster" - some bastard genetic mutation wrought from the cumstains extracted from the undergarments of dan n' that bible-spice chick


i'm sure i'm missing something? :)


Sounds like a good schtick, someone should come up with a three song set to pay at the next Smiffy Fest assuming one ever happens again

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Did democrats call Lieberman a conservative because he criticized the democratic party? I don't know a lot about it, but you seem to. Illuminate me? I didn't realize he had a history of criticizing his party.


Also, I thought they *did* beat him in the primary? That's why he had to run as an independent.


Of course you "tuned out" on that story. :wave:


THEY are the bad guys - WE aren't like THEM! LOLZ


You know, I've been thinking about this all day, that maybe republicans and democrats really did have equal amounts of crazies in their party. I tried to imagine it, and look at it from the other side. But you know, I was raised in a super conservative family and actually was quite conservative myself until my early twenties or so.


Looking back, I remember being constantly embarrassed by the actions of other conservative-type people around me. Sure, they were always fringe, but they were always there, and loud, and embarrassing. I was constantly making excuses for them, or reconciling my own beliefs somehow -- total cognitive dissonance shit all the time.


The shit going on now with the NRA and the republican party's continual resistance to civilized gun control legislation, the party's stance against climate change and the grass-roots anti-intellectualism of the tea-party? The party's stance against gay rights?


I dunno, man, it's pretty bad. I don't think it's equal, at all. I would be super embarrassed.

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