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If you were at the Ozone today (5/15/12)...

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... and you are somewhat new to climbing, and you found a purple metolius tcu (#0, I think) in a crack within arms reach of the ground, then you found my coat/pack hanger, and I would very much like it back.It would have been in a thin crack between the climbs Kung Fu and Dirty Jugs. The fellow who I believe found it I even spoke to as they were heading that direction and I even spoke to the guy for a few minutes. I remembered my cam after my next climb, but when I went to look for it (and the pair I think found it) I found neither.


I know the irony of me posting this, but I am willing to listen to the muthaf#$king spray from all you wise asses if there's a chance that the message gets around to the lad who innocently pilfered my cam. No hard feelings and I know it was an innocent grab, but it wasn't booty. In all honesty, I have been in that situation before, where I found a cam close to the ground, and since there were other parties climbing nearby I sought them out and asked if it was, in fact, their's - which it was.


Please, if it was you, contact me and I will figure out how to get it back from you. If you know of someone who was out there today, please ask them if they happened to find any gear that was not their own. I would very much appreciate the help!


Love and great climbing to you all!



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Ok, so i have ivan once, DD and scotch twice each, and kevbone ringing in... that takes care of a few of the usual suspects... anyone else?


to ivan: I want no consolation, just what's mine.


to scotch: there will never be a name change - LCK is it forEVER!


to kev: i never said i hated ozone - i definitely don't like the attitude that seems to run rampant there (that being the idea that ozone is the prime climbing in the portland area, b/c it certainly isn't a destination crag, though it has its finer points like every other place i've been, etc....)



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Hope you get your cam back.

I am still trying to think of new names for ya.

How about:





Those aren't very good. I am still thinking. I will check back and post more as they strike me.

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