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Bachmann ends GOP presidential bid......


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With Bachmann out of the race, I think we all need to get behind a Trump candidacy.


Seriously though, Bachmann was the perfect Republican: earnest, intellectually handicapped, naive mistrust in the legitimacy of science, attributes responsibility for outcomes to a mythological deity, retarded vision... the corporate shills would have used her. My guess is the gender thing was held against her.

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You're right in your assessment, ie, she does seem like the perfect Repug. .

But, I'd say what worked against her, (similar to Palin) is her lack of brain power, along with the fact that she is just plain whacky, and too far out there for most of the populace, save for that small fringe group. . .

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With Bachmann out of the race, I think we all need to get behind a Trump candidacy.


Seriously though, Bachmann was the perfect Republican: earnest, intellectually handicapped, naive mistrust in the legitimacy of science, attributes responsibility for outcomes to a mythological deity, retarded vision... the corporate shills would have used her. My guess is the gender thing was held against her.


No actually, her end came when the Tea Party realized 'Michele Bachmann was all about Michelle Bachmann'.


But I say she had that crazy face! Palin only freaked me out when she spoke.

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You're right in your assessment, ie, she does seem like the perfect Repug. .

But, I'd say what worked against her, (similar to Palin) is her lack of brain power...


Your statement here says more about you than her. I am endlessly amused by the left's general lack of self-reflection when the topic turns to misogyny. An evangelical outlier? Sure. "Lack of brainpower?" Why would you say this?

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You're right in your assessment, ie, she does seem like the perfect Repug. .

But, I'd say what worked against her, (similar to Palin) is her lack of brain power...


Your statement here says more about you than her. I am endlessly amused by the left's general lack of self-reflection when the topic turns to misogyny. An evangelical outlier? Sure. "Lack of brainpower?" Why would you say this?


They say it because of their own insecurities and fears.


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Yeah right, pointing out that anti-science dimwits aren't very smart is so insecure.


Let's compare her academic resume to, say, yours... :rolleyes:


Typical dodge. The issue isn't my resume (although it compares more than favorably) but hers next to that of the nearly 100% of scientists studying evolution, climate change, etc .. Let's face it she isn't smart enough to realize the limits of her competence (although leave it to the 2 cc.com stooges to pretend otherwise)

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