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tough on crime republifuck style


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There is also a fourth and all-inclusive category, that of "human being", which Democrats and libtards generally prefer not to recognize or discuss.








Actually, we discuss it all the time with the public, mostly how ridiculous it is to equate the right of a zygote (which looks nothing like the photo above, BTW...you'd think a 'father' would know that shit, but I guess the only qualification there is an inability to hold your load) with a full grown mother - no, an acorn does not equal an oak tree. Fortunately, the public, even in Bible Belt states like Mississippi, seem to get this, even if you don't.


Libtards to the rescue:


Here's a quick education on what a zygote actually looks like:





Edited by tvashtarkatena
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The fetus depicted is about 12 weeks...beginning of the 2nd trimester. Abortion is legal, but restrictions in some states begin at that point. Most states have substantial restrictions on abortions after the start of the 3rd trimester.


Yup...helps to discuss the issues (intelligently, that is)!


So on one hand you try to take the argument down to the level of zygote and pretend that this is where the "nuanced" debate lies--never mind that this was not even part of anyone's premise here. Then you turn around and cede that the picture I posted is, in fact, a candidate for abortion while you try to impress us all with your 9th grade Brennanesque legal mind and your 8th grade knowledge of biology? And just in case anyone here actually decides to take you seriously, you throw in some disparaging remarks about my wife and family. Wow, you really are a piece of work. Absolutely amazing. What an asshole. :noway:

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The fetus depicted is about 12 weeks...beginning of the 2nd trimester. Abortion is legal, but restrictions in some states begin at that point. Most states have substantial restrictions on abortions after the start of the 3rd trimester.


Yup...helps to discuss the issues (intelligently, that is)!


So on one hand you try to take the argument down to the level of zygote and pretend that this is where the "nuanced" debate lies--never mind that this was not even part of anyone's premise here. Then you turn around and say that the picture I posted is, in fact, a candidate for abortion while you try to impress us all with your 9th grade Brennanesque legal mind and your 8th grade knowledge of biology? And just in case anyone here actually decides to take you seriously, you throw in some disparaging remarks about my wife and family. Wow, you really are a piece of work. Absolutely amazing. What an asshole. :noway:


And don't forget he's off lecturing endlessly in another thread about good manners.


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