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Originally posted by rbw1966:

Did I miss something? What was factually inaccurate about that article?

I never said it was inaccurate, just sensationalistic and devoid of meaning. There is no point or conclusion to that story, just an attempt to demonize the military. And I don't just don't like Necro; he's a pussy for not showing at the Rope Up.

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Originally posted by Necronomicon:

Can you refute the issue, or can you only attack me personally?

That's the point dipshit (can't resist the personal attack), there is no issue. The author of this article is trying to MAKE an issue where none currently exists. What is the issue? The military trains men for a very specific task (or set of tasks). How many millions of men have passed through the military since WWI? Just because a few extremely evil & bent-minded people have decided to kill a mass amount of people COINCIDENTALLY also served in the military (in what degree we do not know) does not make military training the source of this evil.


Greg W


P.S. Point taken, Erik.


[ 10-29-2002, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Greg W ]

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Originally posted by Greg W:

I never said it was inaccurate, just sensationalistic and devoid of meaning. There is no point or conclusion to that story, just an attempt to demonize the military. And I don't just don't like Necro; he's a pussy for not showing at the Rope Up.

Ahhh--I missed the point in your original attack on necro where you said it was "sensationalistic and devoid of meaning." I thought they were trying to conclude a correlation between military service and sociopathic behavior. Whether a correllation exists or not I leave for someone else to decide but its thought provoking nonetheless. I agree it was sensationalistic.


Do you ever find yourself wondering whether the activities of your government may be questionnable?

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Originally posted by rbw1966:

Do you ever find yourself wondering whether the activities of your government may be questionnable?

Like why they take so much of my money? Sure. I believe that the military is the purview of the government and that the military has a specific purpose. I do question why our government sends our military on bullshit "humanitarian" missions.

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Originally posted by vegetablebelay:


Originally posted by Greg W:

Maybe it's uniforms. Doctors wear coats and scrubs, pharmacists too. Mailmen wear those uniforms and they go nuts.

Shit. I wear a tie - you think that counts?

Just, uh, stay away from me. Okay, man? Calm down and put the letter opener away. Okay?
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Originally posted by Greg W:


Originally posted by rbw1966:

Do you ever find yourself wondering whether the activities of your government may be questionnable?

Like why they take so much of my money? Sure. I believe that the military is the purview of the government and that the military has a specific purpose. I do question why our government sends our military on bullshit "humanitarian" missions.

Yeah. Saving people from natural disasters etc. bad. Enforcing a peace or ceasefire, bad. Killing people good. Especially civilians or friendly forces. [Roll Eyes] Fuck dat humanitarian shit. More killing!

[Roll Eyes]

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Originally posted by Dru:


Originally posted by Greg W:


Originally posted by rbw1966:

Do you ever find yourself wondering whether the activities of your government may be questionnable?

Like why they take so much of my money? Sure. I believe that the military is the purview of the government and that the military has a specific purpose. I do question why our government sends our military on bullshit "humanitarian" missions.

Yeah. Saving people from natural disasters etc. bad. Enforcing a peace or ceasefire, bad. Killing people good. Especially civilians or friendly forces.
[Roll Eyes]
Fuck dat humanitarian shit. More killing!

[Roll Eyes]
Every time you post like this you help renew my faith in Canadians as a people. Thank you. I'm weepy
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I seem to recall a few of the Central/South American pre-Columbian societies had a system where their "army" was composed entirely of criminals. If you committed a crime, you were given weapons and sent off to attack enemies of the state.


The USA is eminently qualified to return to this system. Empty the prisons, give them all weapons and a one way flight to the Middle East via a big transport plane. Think of the losses to your fighting force you have inflicted with capital punishment!

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Originally posted by rbw1966:

A canadian giving adice on how to conduct war is akin to a priest giving a lecture on sex.



Actually, to come to Dru's defense, the Canadians fought with distinction in World War II; both in ground forces and the RAF.


[ 10-29-2002, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: Greg W ]

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