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They could still have made a video without it being something disgusting and piss off the people in region that share his extreme beleifs. Instead of a video of just throwing him off the boat, they simply could have made a respectful video of someone giving him an islamic burial prayer and blessing him before he was thrown over. That would not have looked bad on our part and it would have supplied evidence. so seriously, what the fuck?

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They could still have made a video without it being something disgusting and piss off the people in region that share his extreme beleifs. Instead of a video of just throwing him off the boat, they simply could have made a respectful video of someone giving him an islamic burial prayer and blessing him before he was thrown over. That would not have looked bad on our part and it would have supplied evidence. so seriously, what the fuck?


He's a got a huge hole in his forehead. Showing "a body" with no close up shot of the face is not any more convincing than showing nothing.


Dumping him at sea is not an ideal Islamic burial - it minimally meets their standards, and gives us the benefit of no OBL pilgrimage shrine.



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I love the complaints that he 'didn't deserve' such a burial.


Um...newsflash: the guy was dead at the time.


A lot of critics out there would have preferred that Obama take the opportunity to poke Islam in the eye.


Sad way to live.


But, what do I know? Hell, I actually believe the raid story, so apparently that makes me just another a tool of the Warmongers.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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It must take a hell of a lot of energy to survive in an Nth dimensional universe of baroquely faked events tenuously linked by far reaching causalities, all the while surrounded by the Somnambulant Masses, confined to the bubble of their five senses, unable to witness the True Nature of All Things.


It's a Red Pill, Blue Pill thing that never ends for those Few who are Chosen to See.

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I love the complaints that he 'didn't deserve' such a burial.


Um...newsflash: the guy was dead at the time.


A lot of critics out there would have preferred that Obama take the opportunity to poke Islam in the eye.


Sad way to live.




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Holy shit! And I thought J_B was a kook!


Like I said, if you are arguing for the government all you are going to wind up with is ad hom.


What's your evidence? NADA. I highly doubt that the government would let an experimental helo get reverse engineered by the Pakistanis and or the Chinese for a hoax.



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Just imagine that it were the Bush Administration. Would you just believe their good word? what has Obama shown that he should be trusted blindly? Has he decreased warfare? renditions? etc ..
how about the fact that Al Quaeda themselves have said that he's dead?


You must have missed my message posted on Friday morning. I agree that it tends to confirm he is dead, if the AQ announcement proves to be reliable.

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The argument is that he was already dead. They have been keeping him alive since 2001 because he was their Emanuel Goldstien.


You are perfectly entitled to a favorite scenario but you should make clear that it is speculative because there is also little hard evidence supporting your claim (as far as I know).


There is however plenty of valid ground to not take what is being fed to us via the corporate media at face value, despite the sheeple's claims to the contrary, so it is unfortunate that you should open yourself to criticism for pushing an alternative story without solid evidence.

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What exactly would be the downside for buying into the official version of events? For the Left I mean.


Better to "go with the flow", eh? Here the "progressive left" has been handed a golden opportunity to put pressure on politicians for a withdrawl/defense-budget-cutting-while-still-saving-face situation and you've gone stupid. Like toddlers, you are. Pathetic.


Considering the web of deceit about the war on terror and its effect on the public, maintaining healthy skepticism of the official script seems absolutely necessary.

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Conspiracy theory might as well be a psy/ops program. Pull yourself together for crissakes.


You shouldn't reinforce the "disbelief of the official version is conspiracy theory" as if there were no conspiracy to deceive the public.

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Yes, you're probably right, it may be speculative. There is no hard evidence he died in 2001. The only thing really is the Benazir Bhutto statement. The circumstantial evidence is that he was a very high profile person. He released professionally produced videos at least once a year. At some point in 2001 he was never heard from again. There were also a few news reports from middle eastern agencies that he died.


The narrative from our government though is much more suspect IMHO. After 2001 two very fake videos of really poor quality. Even with the poor quality though you can tell it's a weak look alike actor.


Also you have to look at the real reasons for war. Terror is an excuse and at the heart of that terror is a figurehead. If you can find the real reasons for war it shows the terror to be fake.

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They are going to play with their toys regardless. They were on some kind of mission, who knows because they've presented no evidence. They blew the thing up and collected whatever bits were left that were secret.


After a year or so they give the stuff away to the Chinese anyway, just to keep them in the game.

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Here's some video screen grabs




Videos 1,2,4 are real, Video 3 is the fake "confession" vid released by the CIA.


Note that the real Osama looks directly into the camera for most of the duration of his videos. Note that fake #3 never looks into the camera even once. Note the focus and lighting of 1,2,4 compared to the poor focus and lighting of 3. This screen grab of 3 is about the best of the entire vid, the rest of it is darker, this is the only place where the actor turns his face up into the light and you can see his features, it's only about 3 frames of the entire vid so you have to go frame by frame.


Note where the bottom of the nose ends, the nose is shorter in 3, note the fat cheek of 3 and if you watch the vid this actor is much heavier than the real Osama.

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Here's some video screen grabs


Since 2001, I have read about at least a couple of OBL videos that were convincingly said to be fake. Your example is likely a good one but it is in the end hard to tell from your short explanation.

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Is there a lesson in all of this? Why, yes there is...


If you sport a Portlandia-style Big Beard and finally want to tuck into some noogs after all those years of being stuck talkin' home brewing with your buds:


Move to Pakistan and snag a hot 29 year old.



You might still have to lose the kilt, though.

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