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Three Cheers For Dan Larson


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Originally posted by Dwayner:


Why does he need to fulfill your personal minimal requirements before you stop the school yard bullying? - Dwayner

Dwayner...remember how you had to really goad Pope to get him to wear that tangerine colored thong underwear you love so much? [Moon] Remember how long you had to tell him that "only sissies refuse to shave their back for me.." until finally he relented and found out that he LOVED IT and felt so sexy in those butt flossers?! So I guess what I'm saying is, look at it like someone who needs a little goading to turn him onto something he'd probably really enjoy...probably the same way you got involved with Mickey's. "Go ahead Dwayner, what are you to much of a wussy to give this Mickey's a try?" Get me compadre?

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It's been very trendy for people to ridicule Dan Larson. I know he got off to a very bad start (lots of hostility initially) and that's when the whole "Dan Larson sucks" thing began but that was a year ago. Over the last several months, he's adopted a welcome sense of humor in spite of the relentless abuse. Sooner or later, this sense of humor is going to wear thin. I think the guy has tried to be nice yet it's becoming a running gag that "Dan Larson Sucks"! People repeat this slogan relentlessly and unprovoked because they find it amusing to themselves. (How many of you do this because it has become a cliché?) Consider for a moment Dan's feelings before you pee on him again. I've never met the guy, and I didn't care for him at first, but I think it's way out of control. And Dan Larson is probably his real name (and not a phony internet name) so when you're taunting him like schoolchildren, you're hurting a real individual. Dan came clean about some of his personal problems quite a while ago. I think he's actually come a long way with a more positive attitude and with his mountaineering experience as well. I'm just saying, maybe you should give Dan a break, he's been pretty nice, rarely attacks anyone anymore, and is becoming a real alpinist.

So here's a high-five to Dan Larson.


- Dwayner


P.S. And guess what...Mt. Rainier is a beautiful mountain and I wish I had the energy to climb it 100 times.

P.P.S. Dan...be bigger than all of this and don't resort to making threats, it DOES NOT HELP!

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Why does he need to fulfill your personal minimal requirements before you stop the school yard bullying? There are loads of people on this cc.com who climb NOTHING and there are loads of people who have climbed more than many of us combined.

[Roll Eyes]

Come on, man!

- Dwayner

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I'm not Alpine... Could give a rats ass what Dan has climed. I realy hope he gets alot of enjoyment out of what he does. I climb the same rocks all of the time because getting out of town is a BIG deal for me... All I know is that if you are going to play with the BIG BOYS (read: smart asses) on this site. You must be able to take it and give it. I'm not hiding. SK is realy me... Shelly Krueger. Big D, you and Pope are really funny. I love you guys... Along with the rest of the crew. I spend time here because it makes me laugh at myself And with others. Do you realy think sticking up for Dan is going to help him out??? He's a big boy, he can take care of himself. If not, He should rethink how he spends his free time. I have a quote for any one who wants it. "What other people think of me is none of my business" -Dr. Suzanne Schuman


she was my first counselor [Wink]

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