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Class Warfare, Heartland USA,: Wisconsin

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that just about the level of response I expect from you


As if a cursory article on Huffingtonpost refutes teachers getting caught drunkenly throwing around racial epithets at a union meeting. Face it, you're getting punked on this issue.


LOL scumbags going after loose talk by mostly drunk teachers on background music of 'girls gone wild' is nothing but union busting propaganda. It'd be like me campaigning against all members of your profession for the racist garbage you spew in these pages.


That was in New Jersey. In the case of Wisconsin, the employees just aren't worth the money. Not that I care, since the tax payer is footing the bill I'm fine with the state not getting it up the ass from a union that's only purpose is to extract as much money as possible.

LOL scumbags going after loose talk by mostly drunk teachers on background music of 'girls gone wild' is nothing but union busting propaganda. It'd be like me campaigning against all members of your profession for the racist garbage you spew in these pages.


Wrong again, the teachers in that video are discussing their union and profession specifically and using racial epithets in the context of how much they are fleecing the public while doing said job.




come on we have already seen the hatchet job O'Keefe did on ACORN, and more. That dude should be in jail and nobody should trust any video published by that criminal.

That was in New Jersey. In the case of Wisconsin, the employees just aren't worth the money.


Amazing how hundreds of millions in tax cuts will change one's perspective!

come on we have already seen the hatchet job O'Keefe did on ACORN, and more. That dude should be in jail and nobody should trust any video published by that criminal.




NYT: "State records also show that Koch Industries, their energy and consumer products conglomerate based in Wichita, Kan., was one of the biggest contributors to the election campaign of Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, a Republican who has championed the proposed cuts.


Even before the new governor was sworn in last month, executives from the Koch-backed group had worked behind the scenes to try to encourage a union showdown, Mr. Phillips said in an interview on Monday."


Koch brothers play big money role in effort to crush unions

MADISON, Wisc. — As the Tea Party movement and union bosses prepare to clash in Wisconsin, it is worthwhile to keep in mind that many millions of dollars of union members’ dues have been spent to fuel the Democratic Party in past elections. Here’s a breakdown of what some of the top unions donated to the Democratic Party in the 2008 and 2010 election cycles:


* The AFL-CIO, whose president Richard Trumka is orchestrating much of the protests in Madison this week, donated $1.2 million to Democrats in 2008 and $900,000 in 2010.


* The American Federation of State, County and Municipal employees donated $2.6 million to the Democrats in 2008 and another $2.6 million in 2010.


* The National Education Association donated $2.3 million to Democrats in 2008 and $2.2 million in 2010.




MADISON, Wisc. As the Tea Party movement and union bosses prepare to clash in Wisconsin, it is worthwhile to keep in mind that many millions of dollars of union members dues have been spent to fuel the Democratic Party in past elections. Heres a breakdown of what some of the top unions donated to the Democratic Party in the 2008 and 2010 election cycles:


* The AFL-CIO, whose president Richard Trumka is orchestrating much of the protests in Madison this week, donated $1.2 million to Democrats in 2008 and $900,000 in 2010.


* The American Federation of State, County and Municipal employees donated $2.6 million to the Democrats in 2008 and another $2.6 million in 2010.


* The National Education Association donated $2.3 million to Democrats in 2008 and $2.2 million in 2010.



well, unions might be stupid as you say, but at least they don't appear dumb :)

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