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before u start bitch'n'bout beacon


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Welcome to the Petty Forum.


No Pink, the Stone Soup crowd wasn't aware of your amazing first ascent of the...1st pitch...or was it two whole pitches...wait, what was it again?


Obviously, everyone's very impressed down here.


If this is what middle age looks like for ya, that sucks.



look tvash,just because your dad bought the uniforms doesn't mean you get to play :)

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I was actually pretty excited to see what would come of this thread since I have been to beacon only a few times and it has drawn me in. This the place I want to climb because of the type of climbing that goes on out there (adventurous and, better yet, no gym rats) and I thought the group out there was a close-knit group. I am really disappointed with this thread though.


Ivan and Pink, a public internet forum is probably not the best place to figure out what is going on with this route. Why don't you two go out for a beer and get down to business where your sayings aren't on display for everyone and personas can be left at the door; the internet is not a good environment for this most of the time. You are both established climbers and are not setting a good example for others (nOObs like me in particular).


Personal attacks are going to get you nowhere on here...


Despite all this, I would still really like to get out there and check out this line sometime.

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I was actually pretty excited to see what would come of this thread since I have been to beacon only a few times and it has drawn me in. This the place I want to climb because of the type of climbing that goes on out there (adventurous and, better yet, no gym rats) and I thought the group out there was a close-knit group. I am really disappointed with this thread though.


Ivan and Pink, a public internet forum is probably not the best place to figure out what is going on with this route. Why don't you two go out for a beer and get down to business where your sayings aren't on display for everyone and personas can be left at the door; the internet is not a good environment for this most of the time. You are both established climbers and are not setting a good example for others (nOObs like me in particular).


Personal attacks are going to get you nowhere on here...


Despite all this, I would still really like to get out there and check out this line sometime.

hey, but it HAS been succesful in the original intent of changing the febuary beacon topic de jour away from the fornicating falcons


pink lives in cali-rado and he know's i'm too cheap a bastard to fly all the way out there for a drink....plus, w/o rereading the current 6 pages, i think i've maintained a friendlish tone, no?

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ok, ok, ok - so mayhaps the whole thing gets a new name and the 3 people and their retarded housepets that actually care will be placated?


setting aside the argument that using the group to sort out a name would be subsumed w/n the concept of "stone soup," what else we got?


was thinking "the proud pink highway" would be pleasing :rawk:


"it don't matter what color your girl is, they're all pink inside" might be a bit long, but goddamn i've alwasy liked that there redd foxx line...

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ivan, you started this thread. look at your title dude. what do you expect from a knuckle dragger like myself??? not like you don't spend loads of time on here ranting about shit that hasn't knocked the planet of it's axis yet. maybe the answer to all the worlds bitching is "stone soup"??? WHO KNEW :)

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I was actually pretty excited to see what would come of this thread since I have been to beacon only a few times and it has drawn me in. This the place I want to climb because of the type of climbing that goes on out there (adventurous and, better yet, no gym rats) and I thought the group out there was a close-knit group. I am really disappointed with this thread though.


Ivan and Pink, a public internet forum is probably not the best place to figure out what is going on with this route. Why don't you two go out for a beer and get down to business where your sayings aren't on display for everyone and personas can be left at the door; the internet is not a good environment for this most of the time. You are both established climbers and are not setting a good example for others (nOObs like me in particular).


Personal attacks are going to get you nowhere on here...


Despite all this, I would still really like to get out there and check out this line sometime.

hey, but it HAS been succesful in the original intent of changing the febuary beacon topic de jour away from the fornicating falcons


pink lives in cali-rado and he know's i'm too cheap a bastard to fly all the way out there for a drink....plus, w/o rereading the current 6 pages, i think i've maintained a friendlish tone, no?


true- the f-ing falcons have not been the topic.


Scanning back through, I take back what I said about you two being a bad example. This whole thread just turned into a pissing match between a few people and it really stinks.


Ivan- in all you vulgarity, you are actually quite tactful when it comes to subjects like this.


Can't we all just get along? :rolleyes:


I really don't care what the route is called and I have no say in it since I had nothing to do with putting it up. I just want to climb the fucking thing.

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Ivan- in all you vulgarity, you are actually quite tactful when it comes to subjects like this.


thanks - i'm forwarding this on to me ma b/c she's just never understood :)


seriously andrew, i don't care about the name - lets change it, why not? someone else has to redraw the topo though :P

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Ivan- in all you vulgarity, you are actually quite tactful when it comes to subjects like this.


thanks - i'm forwarding this on to me ma b/c she's just never understood :)


seriously andrew, i don't care about the name - lets change it, why not? someone else has to redraw the topo though :P


you pluggin for a nobel peace prize or something dude?

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As I read it on here you guys as aid climbers added bolts to a FREE climb?


By the sounds of it here you guys placed about 56 bolts and fixed peices in 500' feet. So if this where a 2500' route on elcap that would equate to about 270 holes on a route, any one in Yosemite would consider this an abortion.


Did my post just sail right over everones heads with those strong gorge winds? And again stevetimetravler you dont know what I've done/seen. I hope you didnt take offense to my ass comment but its just like you guys think JosephH is an ass for thinking its a bad route when he hasnt climbed it, same shit!




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