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fishing in the enchantments?


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I don't know for certain, but lake stocking is something that typically happens in the spring. Now, given that it takes the Alpine Lakes a little longer to thaw out, I'd say that they've already had their stocking for the year. So you'd be fishing out the guys that have survived the summer hordes. But I would think that there'd still be plenty of the little blighters swimming about to make it worth toting your kit up there.


Anybody out there in the fish & wildlife department or the Leavenworth Ranger Station know fer sure?

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But I would think that there'd still be plenty of the little blighters swimming about to make it worth toting your kit up there.
I would think so too and have heard October angling can be quite good up there.


This year, I'd guess that stocking history is less of an issue than the cool weather we've had. As the water temps cool, fish activity levels slow down for the winter.

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awesome, thanks everyone!


i'd heard that fish/wildlife were going to stop stocking those lakes all together, so that's what i was wondering about - whether they had any fish in them at all at this point. i'll find out :)


the trail blazers forum is great - just what i was looking for!


again, thanks!

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I seriously doubt if the upper Enchantment Lakes are stocked - WDFW stopped the practice of high lake stocking because these small lakes did not have fish in them to start with and the amphibian populations were decimated from introducing fish. May be some remnants however and I know Colchuck has some cutthroats in the 7-10 in range (yum). Also see:




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There are small rainbows in most of the upper enchantments lakes, all of the bigger lakes I glassed in August had fish in them. I saw a few bigger (like 10-12 inch) rainbows in Isolation lake. I talked to a guy who claimed there were lake trout in that lake for what that's worth. From Prusik pass I could see fish rising in Shield lake, if I was headed up there to fish that's where I'd go. It's low enough that maybe the fish are actually able to grow there. If you make it up there I'd love to know if the fishing was decent. Not a bad climbing destination either.

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I seriously doubt if the upper Enchantment Lakes are stocked - WDFW stopped the practice of high lake stocking because these small lakes did not have fish in them to start with and the amphibian populations were decimated from introducing fish. May be some remnants however and I know Colchuck has some cutthroats in the 7-10 in range (yum). Also see:




that's exactly what i was wondering about.


There are small rainbows in most of the upper enchantments lakes, all of the bigger lakes I glassed in August had fish in them. I saw a few bigger (like 10-12 inch) rainbows in Isolation lake. I talked to a guy who claimed there were lake trout in that lake for what that's worth. From Prusik pass I could see fish rising in Shield lake, if I was headed up there to fish that's where I'd go. It's low enough that maybe the fish are actually able to grow there. If you make it up there I'd love to know if the fishing was decent. Not a bad climbing destination either.


awesome beta, thanks! no guarantees that i'll actually catch something, but i'll bring back a report :)

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took a quick day trip up there yesterday. forgot how long it takes me to cross asgaard, so only had a little bit of time to cast my line.


i don't think the fish liked my lures (super duper and yellow leopard), but i could see them show interest when the hook went in - they are definitely there! i considered tying a little mosquito fly upstream of the bobber, but didn't get to it. i also have an orange lure that i wanted to try, but ran out of time.


here's a bloody little rainbow for ya:


some tripod-assisted action (prusik in the background):



many of the lakes are getting iced over. i fished at inspiration, which was fine. but the fish definitely went away as the shadow moved in.




on an unrelated note (wait, is it ever unrelated??)... asgaard pass:


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