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Are you a Robot?


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Do you wake up at 5 AM for the alpine start for ice climbing and rock climbing when it is not necessary?

Do you eat healthy foods? [chubit] Do you avoid big macs, whole barns etc?

Do you refuse beer [big Drink] in large quantities the night prior to climbing?

Are you a non Smoker shocked.gif" border="0

Do you climb 5.12 or WI5?

Do you wear spandex [laf] ?

Are you missing a beer gut?

Do you tape your hands to crack climb every time?

Do you decline weed?

Do you train for climbing?

If you can anwer yes to 5 of above questions you might be a robot tongue.gif" border="0

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Shit man I got 5 yesses. Guess which ones!

And does "Are you a non Smoker" refer to tobacco or sweet leaf? Cause I like to save my lungs for the good stuff just like I dont give Coors or Bud etc to my kidneys unless its free.

[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: Dru ]

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On the robot note:

Robots were spotted in Lillooet this past weekend. We drank all night and smoke our lungs out. We ate greasy breakfast and dinners. We did not lead any WI5 or 5.12. I was the only beer gut holder. We asked for weed at all chances possible! We wore no spandex.

Yet we still beat the robots to climbs [laf]

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The do you tape your hands questions - those people are not Robots. They are Bumblies. You know, huge tape gloves when they are going to climb Diedre which has no hand jams on the whole route just finger jams. also seen climbing in party of 4 with 1 leader, 3 followers and everyone wearing an 80L pack full of watermelons to eat on Broadway ledge.

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Do you wake up at 5 AM for the alpine start for ice climbing and rock climbing when it is not necessary? i have insomnia

Do you eat healthy foods? [chubit] Do you avoid big macs, whole barns etc? worst eating habits on the planet

Do you refuse beer [big Drink] in large quantities the night prior to climbing? in large quanites sometimes, in general never

Are you a non Smoker shocked.gif" border="0 with 4001 checmicals in them it is an easy descion

Do you climb 5.12 or WI5? it's happend before

Do you wear spandex [laf] ? only in the private of my girlfriend's bedroom(my roomate is nosy)

Are you missing a beer gut? proudly missing one!!!!

Do you tape your hands to crack climb every time?maybe after they embalm my body, but never while i am alive

Do you decline weed? hahahahahaha

Do you train for climbing? only by climbing and doing some other activites. but training in general? only if i were gattin paid or laid

If you can anwer yes to 5 of above questions you might be a robot tongue.gif" border="0

so what does that make me ray????

[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: erik ]

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Ok I wake up early. Got up at 11PM once for best conditions!

Lycra - do bike tights count? I wear them climbing sometimes too. rolleyes.gif" border="0

Beer - I actually have declined on large quantities of ber and gone to bed early in the past in order to climb hard the next day.

5.12 and WI5 - on TR once or twice, lots of flailing.

Tape - is aid.

Smokes - save lungs for the good stuff.

weed - see smokes. This is the good stuff.

health food - i do sometimes eat tofu, sprouts, veggies etc. yet i always eat big grease fests [chubit] when climbing since i need the fat to stay warm.

beer gut - 32 inch waist does not seem to qualify. if I had an "ale appendage" maybe i wouldnt get so cold when climbing.

train for climbing - only if forced to orbored. i did do a bunch of calf raises before the rockies and biceps curls holding ice tool. but i prefer the biceps curl holding a beer [big Drink]

so I think that is about 4.5 +/- out of 5 shocked.gif" border="0 just call me r2 d2.

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Any of you who are Robots, PM or email me, I'm interested in going climbing before 10 am sometime with someone who doesent have to stop every 10 minutes to puke, catch thier breath or blaze a doobie.

But, I do like Zekes burgers and don't like men in spandex. rolleyes.gif" border="0

[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: Bronco ]

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Do you wake up at 5 AM for the alpine start for ice climbing and rock climbing when it is not necessary?I've been known to. (Primarily to avoid crowds)

Do you eat healthy foods? Occasionally

Do you avoid big macs, whole barns etc?Big Mac's Suck: Red Mill on the other hand Rocks

Do you refuse beer in large quantities the night prior to climbing?>6 Probably <6 No

Are you a non Smoker yep

Do you climb 5.12 or WI5?If I can't gorillia through it, I probably can't climb it, and I spend way too much time on my boards to know what WI5 is, but I'm pretty sure it's above my abilities.

Do you wear spandex Only on the bike

Are you missing a beer gut?Not since I was about 4

Do you tape your hands to crack climb every time?Nope

Do you decline weed?Usually. Pot just makes me want to shut myself up in a room, listen to the Alman Brothers, and play Tetris

Do you train for climbing?Have to keep the beer gut from dunlopping over the harness. It's either train or quit drinking beer, and the latter just ain't gonna happen.

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Hmmm... this doesn't look good.

1. only get up early when forced or have insomnia

2. yeah, eat healthy (so I don't have to lug big mac gut up mtn)

3. yup, didn't once, I'm not a good enough climber to be hungover

4. Non-smoker.

5. Have TR flailed .12, have followed WI 5 with some kind of style. Can't lead it.

6. Spandex when cycling or running.

7. No beer gut. (Too lazy to want to haul beer gut up mtn)

8. Yeah, but my job requires that I have no open wounds on my hands.

9. Never had the opportunity to... (Guess I'm not hanging with the right crowd)

10. See answer 5. Yes, I train. (I'm not good enough not to)

[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: icegirl ]

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