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Mama Grizzlies


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According to the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Sarah is loosing the 'Mama Grizzly' protected status she has enjoyed so long as she stayed close to her new kid.


You MAY NOT take black or brown/grizzly cubs or sows with cubs in the 1st or 2nd year of life...
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Fairweather is a good soldier for the GOP's racist new southern strategy, i.e. trying to have white people believe that minorities are out to get them: http://www.salon.com/news/politics/republican_party/index.html?story=/politics/war_room/2010/07/15/black_panthers_southern_strategy


"the right has consistently seized on incidents that reinforce the idea of whites as a persecuted class and minorities as alien Others. Now, even issues that don't seem to involve identity at all -- like healthcare or TARP -- are boiled down by the right to cultural concerns. The Democrats, as John Boehner put it, "are snuffing out the America that I grew up in." Whether they're associating non-whites with un-American things like socialism, implying that blacks have gained the upper hand and are abusing their power, or even accusing minorities of being racist, the strategy is consistent.


Of course, since something like the Crowley-Gates incident doesn't happen often, the right has had to make its own luck, so to speak. One technique they've perfected is to seize on minor incidents and blow them up into telling parables. The Black Panther story is one example of this; so was the strange “a white kid got beat up on a bus!” thing. Alternately, casual comments by public figures who are from ethnic or racial minority groups can be repeated ad nauseum to paint them as un-American, validating the "real America" idea: Van Jones, "wise Latina woman," and so on. And if nothing's floating around, they can always make something happen, like James O'Keefe's bogus ACORN frame-up, or Bob McDonnell's liberal-baiting, slavery-free declaration of Confederate History Month."

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There are plenty of youtube videos that prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they were taken down with high-explosives. Also, it was clearly a missile that hit the pentagon, not an airplane.


Also, I saw the face of Satan in the clouds over WTC. PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF!


Plus, Bush obviously planned the entire thing himself, since he has given conflicting reports of when he "first heard about 9/11."

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For Fox, Beck, Limbaugh -- Race Baiting Has Become Standard Fare, with More to Come This Summer


Irrational Obama Derangement Syndrome has spread across the airwaves, frothing into pure racist paranoia and hate talk.

July 14, 2010 |


If you thought last summer’s Obama Beer Summit was troubling in terms of how far-right media partisans wallowed in the topic of race, early indications are this simmering season is going to be much worse as Fox News and its brigade of haters fan the flame of division and distrust.


There’s no question that race peddlers went nuts last summer over the controversy involving Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates and Cambridge, MA police Sgt. James Crowley, as well as Obama’s later involvement in the story. But this time around, ‘wingers have removed all mechanical governors and are talking about race in America the way that perhaps they’ve always wanted to talk about it during the Obama era; in unapologetically ugly, resentful and divisive tones.


How else do you describe the emerging right-wing meme, pushed by Rush Limbaugh, that Obama is really some sort of Black Manchurian Candidate, fixated on exacting revenge from prejudice white America?


Aided by a storyline that involves a tiny hate group called the New Black Panther Party (so much more menacing that an aging Harvard prof!), the GOP Noise Machine has gone loco over a comically porous story of voter intimidation; a tale that even one Republican official with intimate knowledge has dismissed as “small potatoes” and not worth any attention.


more here: Frothy racist wingnuts.

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Rush et al consider themselves like a modern day paul revere. THE BLACK PEOPLE ARE COMING! THE BLACK PEOPLE ARE COMING!




Republicans are funny, cause they actually believe this shit.


They sure get boners over rich, white, old dudes and their piggly little penises though.


Actually, doesn't Rush have a black dude cover for him somedays? They like to have at least one or two black "friends" to show they're not racists.

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