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Warming in Al Gore's room


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huh? are you pretending Adolf's ideology isn't rightward of Attila the Hun? are you also saying he hasn't been following me around making comments about my sexuality, drinking habits, and what not as if he knew squat about me? wtf is wrong with you people?

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Readers can figure it out for themselves--it seems you are the "blowhard."


They may figure it out for themselves, but I will remove all uncertainties by letting it known this is what he has been doing.


I am the blowhard, while you were the one suggesting I was to "do something about it" in addition to what I was already doing?



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huh? are you pretending Adolf's ideology isn't rightward of Attila the Hun?
I don't know what that means, but no, I don't think nitrox is like hitler.


are you also saying he hasn't been following me around making comments about my sexuality, drinking habits, and what not as if he knew squat about me? wtf is wrong with you people?


No, he's absolutely been following you around and making fun of you. Don't be so uptight about it. Clearly he has a crush on you.

Edited by rob
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I don't know what that means, but no, I don't think nitrox is like hitler.


That's because you are clueless. The dude is so far to the right that he shares quite a few ideas with Hitler.


No, he's absolutely been following you around and making fun of you. Don't be so uptight about it. Clearly he has a crush on you.


Not only you are delusional to think he is joking but it's because fucking morons like you think it's funny that he thinks he can get away with demonizing me.

Edited by j_b
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Not only you are delusional to think he is joking but it's because fucking morons like you think it's funny that he thinks he can get away with demonizing me.


Poor wittle, j_b, come here and tell me whats bothering your extra-sensitive side. :cry:



Whiny little girl

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why don't you just fuck off rob. I don't need your stupid commentary when I am trying to make a point.

Yeah Rob this isn't funny you rightwing meathead interrupting disruptive regressive progressive Nazi goon. Guess you got told! :lmao: Hah ha Hah ha!



jb, vanguard of the Flame Warrior proletariat is trying to insult everyone, don't interrupt and don't sit in the back of the room interrupting your intellectual superiors cracking jokes either! This is important.






Wait....? Is jb's "The Point" how much better he can insult or to complete and flesh out the display of Blowhardishness or is it just an open display of an upsidedown heirachy of needs???





jus' musing.... wonder what Freud would suggest here...?hmmm?.....

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It’s uncanny how this thread encapsulates conservative politics in a nutshell:


1) spread gutter rumors about a political opponent they have smeared for years


2) no substantive reply whatsoever to criticisms about their spreading rumors from the gutter


3) try to discredit their critics with personal attacks


4) accuse their victims of “whining” when their critics point out their goon tactics


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No, I thnk he is actually expecting the conservatives on this board to say, "OMG, when you put it that way, you're right! You've Changed My Mind."


And then everyone will live happily-ever-after. And Bill, you can be my little bitch.

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