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CIA authorized to murder US citizen.


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I can only hope you were shitfaced when you attempted to put the above drivel together.


The 'a whole lot more killed' propaganda line (it was never intended to be an actual argument, more of a pep squad cheer) is as ridiculous as it is tired. "More Americans would have been dead had Gore not invaded Iraq". Yeah, makes perfect sense to me. Have another shot of Jack. That should keep you warm while your out there doggin all those sheep or whatever the fuck you were trying to say.


You seem a bit too old for all the Shiny New Recruit "lets git sum" bluster, but I suppose some folks just can't let go of their "let's roll" swagger. Embarrassing, really.


And regarding draconia (?) laws, yeah...it's a lot less trouble for everyone when you don't pass them in the first place. An ounce of prevention and all that. Plus, its just a wee bit naive to assume that the Su-Premes are gonna swoop in and plug the dyke when it all goes wrong. Makes for a great John Gresham screenplay, though.


And, of course you're going to minimize the massive damage done to this country by the Bush Administration. "Oh, no worries, the pendulum will take care of it". Of course you would, because you voted for that shit, and white washing all that fuckedupedness makes ya feel better.


Edited by tvashtarkatena
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I can only hope you were shitfaced when you attempted to put the above drivel together.


The 'a whole lot more killed' propaganda line (it was never intended to be an actual argument, more of a pep squad cheer) is as ridiculous as it is tired. "More Americans would have been dead had Gore not invaded Iraq". Yeah, makes perfect sense to me. Have another shot of Jack. That should keep you warm while your out there doggin all those sheep or whatever the fuck you were trying to say.


You seem a bit too old for all the Shiny New Recruit "lets git sum" bluster, but I suppose some folks just can't let go of their "let's roll" swagger. Embarrassing, really.


And regarding draconia (?) laws, yeah...it's a lot less trouble for everyone when you don't pass them in the first place. An ounce of prevention and all that. Plus, its just a wee bit naive to assume that the Su-Premes are gonna swoop in and plug the dyke when it all goes wrong. Makes for a great John Gresham screenplay, though.


And, of course you're going to minimize the massive damage done to this country by the Bush Administration. "Oh, no worries, the pendulum will take care of it". Of course you would, because you voted for that shit, and white washing all that fuckedupedness makes ya feel better.


The same exact thing could be said for Carter, Clinton, and now Obama (CBO has the Healthcare bill clearly over $1T). Just a matter of perspective.


You're too heavily invested in your political beliefs, it makes you a total sucker.

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Thinking Iraq and Afganistan or even Bush/Cheney's past policies are the reason the USA is hated is a myoptic and naive version of the world.


News flash...those that hate the USA, hate all of us, have for longer than you have been alive and will continue long after you are dead. They don't ask your political party while they are sawing off your head these days or a hundred years ago.


But since you obviously are unable to get the point..the point is both parties and their respective leaders make bad decisions over time and people die because of it. A very few of those that do die may actually deserve it.


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I'm heavily invested in my basic values, but I'm a realist when it comes to politics. If that makes me a sucker, so be it.


Bullshit, if there's a "D" next to the name then you vote for it. You are willing to accept bad legislation and make excuses for it just because its written by someone with a "D" next to their name and you like handouts. Your "basic values" are the labor and hard work of other people.


We have an idiot in the Whitehouse, and while the last one fucked us something fierce, you're willing to take it balls deep just because he's on the side you identify with. Our current president is pathetically weak on national security and international relations as this thread indicates.


Smooth words read from a teleprompter is all it takes to lull you into political comma. Tell me again how those polling numbers are for mid-terms...last time you tried to tell me shit was going right smooth for incumbent democrats(but it isn't, is it). The rest of the country doesn't see it your way...which is a seething hatred for anything short of the far far left.


Popular opinion swings and eventually you'll be taking it in the ass from the other side, and while I'll take pleasure in watching you wine like a bitch, it'll be just be another sad turn of events for this country.



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