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Obama the sell out?


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"The Obama administration is planning on dispatching delegates, on May 3rd, to a WTO meeting to propose changes to a document called the Codex Alimentarius, which is responsible for determining international standards on food labeling. Specifically, these changes would restrict labeling as it pertains to genetically modified genes and organisms. Much more than a giveaway to multinational agribusiness interests, this is an affront to democracy and national sovereignty itself for any number of nations, including our own. In short, if this passes, it would literally become illegal, under international law (in such a way as to trump laws at the national level, via Breton Woods institutions) to inform consumers of genetically modified foodstuffs, and our own FDA and USDA, as well as state and local agencies, would become powerless to protect the interests of American consumers, with regard to our food supply. If you have any interest whatsoever in knowing what's in the food you eat, I would strongly urge you to please have a look at this petition, and consider signing it. And then pass it along to everyone you know, as soon as you can. We have until May 3rd on this"


Say it an't so......



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Most presidents are dangerous. Try Bush for example. He invaded a country that did not attack us. Left thousands of innocent dead in his wake just for power and greed. Now the US owes trillions more that is unpaid, while our schools are cutting teachers left and right. Bin Laden died in 2001. You gotta have a bad guy in order to pursue the “war on terror”. What a crock. I find it hard to believe that the most powerful country in the world (the US), with all its high tech weaponry and intelligence cannot find an old man who is on a dialysis machine. That is because he is dead.

Obama is just the next in line to screw America and bring us to a one world government. The question is…..will you go along with it when it happens. Because it WILL HAPPEN.


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Of course, Kevin's point is a good one. We're talking about the usurpation of sovereignty w/o the consent of the governed--or even their elected representatives. Yet one more reason Obama is dangerous.


"usurpation of sovereignty"? like lying a nation into perpetual war? spare us the crocodiles' tears jackass. As if you gave a rat's ass about GMO labeling (not existing at the present in the US btw), or the landmine treaty that we still haven't signed along with the rogue nations of this earth.

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Obama is just the next in line to screw America and bring us to a one world government. The question is…..will you go along with it when it happens. Because it WILL HAPPEN.


a one world government will happen in the very distant future simply because as the earth gets smaller, the needs of humans become more interdependent and because governance has to match the spatial scale of business to be effective at regulating it. There is nothing wrong in itself about enforcing needed policies at the international level (like demanding GMO labeling for every food item sold across borders for example), we just have to make sure these policies aren't meant to reinforce the power of international corporations to do as they please.

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a one world government will happen in the very distant future simply because as the earth gets smaller, the needs of humans become more interdependent and because governance has to match the spatial scale of business to be effective at regulating it.


That is a nice way of looking at it. Not the very distant future....but alot sooner than you would think. And not for the reasons you list above. Mostly for greed and power.

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Of course, Kevin's point is a good one. We're talking about the usurpation of sovereignty w/o the consent of the governed--or even their elected representatives. Yet one more reason Obama is dangerous.


"usurpation of sovereignty"? like lying a nation into perpetual war? spare us the crocodiles' tears jackass. As if you gave a rat's ass about GMO labeling (not existing at the present in the US btw), or the landmine treaty that we still haven't signed along with the rogue nations of this earth.


:lmao: As if you know the first thing about agriculture or genetics. Jackass. :lmao:

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That is a nice way of looking at it. Not the very distant future....but alot sooner than you would think. And not for the reasons you list above. Mostly for greed and power.


Honestly, I don't see the power players doing much differently than they did decades ago (think Carter and trilateral commission for example). Sure, neoliberals are trying to enshrine corporate power but they were already doing so through IMF and WTO policies. In many ways, an international governance institution would probably benefit common folks in the long run because corporatism benefits greatly from the asymmetry in what's shaping globalization (all business, little to no government).

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Of course, Kevin's point is a good one. We're talking about the usurpation of sovereignty w/o the consent of the governed--or even their elected representatives. Yet one more reason Obama is dangerous.


Jesus, you sound like a dumbed down version of Rush.


For anyone interested, and that would probably be no one, how treaties work is spelled out in the constitution. Now you may all carry on with brushing the sand out of your respective coochies.

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As long as you are willing to let pass from your man what you wouldn't let pass from your opponents, you are of no use to us.


You didn't see the Hank Johnson/Guam thread did you? Not only would TTK let it pass he'd makes excuses on their behalf.



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As long as you are willing to let pass from your man what you wouldn't let pass from your opponents, you are of no use to us.


I only need to be of use to my people, not yours.


Wait, what's that sound? Sounds like somebody's tossing Mickey's bottles around the trailer court again.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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I only need to be of use to my people, not yours.


with people of your caliber around, it's really not a surprise Democrats have sold out their constituencies at every major opportunity they had over the last 30+ years.


Wait, what's that sound? Sounds like somebody's tossing Mickey's bottles around the trailer court again.



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