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Crazy Canadian MP


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You mean like your rich fleeing to the US for treatment? Including politicians (see top of thread).


Apparently Canadians have no clue what "evidence" is. :wave:


If by "evidence" you mean selective use of anecdotes regarding atypical individuals that happen to be mentioned in the news then I guess you've got me there - I had no clue that sort of thing constituted "evidence". I was thinking more along the lines of meaningful comparisons of data drawn from the broader populations of Canada and the US over longer periods of time than last week. If you want to get into a battle of individual anecdotes then we could continue to beat each other over the head pretty much indefinitely. It wouldn't settle anything, but it would provide the sort of mindless entertainment that appeals to fans of Rush Limbaugh and the O'Reilly Factor and their ilk. Or we could discuss things like actual health outcomes among the two population groups. We could look at areas where the US outperforms Canada, and see if we can identify possible causes for those differences. And we could also look at areas where Canada outperforms the US, and see if we can identify possible causes for those differences.


Or we can just switch on FOX to find out what the TeaPartiers want us to think...

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