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Mt Erie- Insurance Requirements for Climbing Class


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Thanks to all who came and spoke before the city council last fall. It really helped! In addition to mellowing other areas of the forest plan (climbing paths, scramble trails), they have really taken a big step back from the unreasonable insurance requirements for instructional groups. Should make things much better for climbing classes and regular climbers too. The reversal on insurance:




One outcome from our Anacortes Community Forest Lands Comprehensive Plan update process was the review of our requirements for instructional climbing groups to use Mt. Erie.

Based on the advice of our new City Attorney in consultation with legal counsel for the Washington Cities Insurance Authority, the city's risk management advisor, they have suggested the following:

The City of Anacortes will no longer require instructional climbing groups on Mt. Erie to provide the City with a hold harmless agreement, proof of insurance, or participant waivers.


All groups shall follow these rules:


1. Group size must not exceed 50 people per organization per day (this number includes instructors).


2. Groups should carpool when driving to the summit to allow for other recreational users to enjoy the mountain.


3. Please pack out all trash and use the restroom facility provided on the summit.


4. Notify Anacortes Parks and Recreation staff of the dates you wish to hold instructional courses on Mt. Erie well in advance (2 months notice is preferable for classes held during high use season.) This is not a reservation, nor does it guarantee exclusive use of an area. It does help us regulate and avoid crowding at any one site.


Local residents and the city have worked to balance recreational use and conservation on Mt. Erie. Your cooperation and support to help us care for it is greatly appreciated.


Please contact me with any questions. Thank you.


Jonn Lunsford

Anacortes Parks & Recreation


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The City of Anacortes will no longer require instructional climbing groups on Mt. Erie to provide the City with a hold harmless agreement, proof of insurance, or participant waivers.



Thanks from me at least, this seems like a great positive step for the climbing community. I climb and hike often on Mount Erie and want to contribute to taking care of the mountain while allowing access. I will tread lightly and pick up any trash that I may see, but to date I have seen none that I remember of.


Good show.


For the next generation of climbers let us enjoy the

outdoors and be good citizens.



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The City of Anacortes will no longer require instructional climbing groups on Mt. Erie to provide the City with a hold harmless agreement, proof of insurance, or participant waivers.



Thanks from me at least, this seems like a great positive step for the climbing community. I climb and hike often on Mount Erie and want to contribute to taking care of the mountain while allowing access. I will tread lightly and pick up any trash that I may see, but to date I have seen none that I remember of.


Good show.


For the next generation of climbers let us enjoy the

outdoors and be good citizens.



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I think most people like new policy, or rather lack of policy. (Their rules are just common sense stuff that we should abide by anyway.) Even if it means that once in a while, it is packed with hordes of people. Luckily that happens when it is better to go elsewhere anyway. But then I live in monroe and if I lived in anacortes I may have a different opinion. Maybe not.

I also thank the city of anacortes for a reasonable decision, which rarely happens anymore.

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