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Rainier summit in May anyone?


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Is anyone interested in teaming up for a Rainier summit in May? I've summitted twice (DC route) and would love to get back up there. DC is always a good standard but I'm equally intrigued by the Emmons route and would love to check it out if you're familiar with it. Believe it or not I've actually had trouble finding people who want to go and am tempted to just stand at Muir with a cardboard sign saying "please take me with you." Safety and respecting the mountain/conditions is my philosophy. If you're interested, we can definately dayhike it to Muir a couple of times this Spring to make sure it'll be a good fit.


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Ever thought about Tahoma Glacier route? 3 days and a little more work, but a beautiful side of the mountain not many people see. I've been trying to do this route for a few years now. A group of four with solid mountain skills would be ideal. I would be down for the Emmons if no one bites on the Tahoma. I would definitely not be interested in the DC.


Also, you might have a little more luck posting this in the partners section of the forum.

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Not to dissuade you, but remember access to that side of the hill is not always possible until very late in May. And then you are looking at M-Day weekend which is the typical big weekend crowd.


Having come down the Emmons 4 times now I have to say I will never go up it unless it is an emergency. IMHO, the route is plod. Which is why I think people like the DC at least the upper part of the hill has a bit of variety.


I think there are much better routes on the hill; Kautz, Furhe Finger, Gib Ledges (those I have been on of similar difficultly), others have mentioned the Tacoma though I have not been on it would have more variety than the Emmons.

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I used to post for Rainier partners here every year.

Every year there were five or ten who said they wanted to go.

Every year all of them bailed.

Every year I found friends who wanted to go at the last minute or went up with gear and tagged onto a rope team.

Every year I summitted.


I have never summited Rainier with someone I met on this site.

Wierd. I hear it happens though.

Good luck!



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thanks for the pic Piston, that's exactly why I want to get on that side of the mountain. totally different from the junk show on the trade routes. The degree of commitment helps filter the chaff when seeking online partners as well.


Bug you make great points about the online process. Regardless the original goal stated in a partner post, I've ended up meeting cool people and climbing good routes sometimes as training for the bigger objective or sometimes because someone sends a pm and wants to climb something else. Putting yourself out there is the first step, whatever comes of it may very well be good in it's own right. And if you never ask, the answer is always no.


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PM sent. I climbed via DC with a person i met on this site last summer. I also climbed the west ridge of forbidden with someone i met on the site, so its been very helpful for me. I would love to do liberty ridge, but if thats too much i would be down for Kaouts(sp) or something other than a repeat of DC, although when i did DC last late august it was a lot of fun due to the exposour from record heat. i will have to share some photos with you. I have so TRs you can check out but they were done with minimal pics, maybe i will update my photos soon.

Edited by blake_taruscio
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