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Americans Oppose Closing Gitmo, Moving Prisoners to U.S.

Support is 8% among Republicans, 28% among independents, and 50% among Democrats Linky


I guess this move, so popular with the "independents, is simply a way to let the Dems vote against Obama after being bullied in the health care fiasco. (you know the reform bill that will make you a criminal if you don't fork over your hard earned money to an insurance company.)

Edited by Peter_Puget
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Americans Oppose Closing Gitmo, Moving Prisoners to U.S.

Support is 8% among Republicans, 28% among independents, and 50% among Democrats Linky


I guess this move so popular with the "independents, is simlpy a way to let the Dems vote against Obama after being bullie din the healthcare fiasco. ( you know the reform bill that will make you a criminal if you don't fork over your hard earned money to an insurance company.



dude, you need j_b to tell you the "difference between 'independents' and 'middle'"




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If you don't understand that PP was basing his argument on conflating 'independent' with 'middle', which are in fact 2 very different concepts, you ought to just stop embarrass yourself with every post.


As to that poll about Guantanamo, lemme guess: the corporate media has been fear-mongering relentlessly about moving the Guantanamo detainees to US soil. It's the only thing I can come up with given I don't understand how Republicans could be gaining any traction with such stupid argument.

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J_B -


Look at the quote above....the Republicans are on the left....the Democrats are on the right.....and the Independents are......the middle!



you can make jokes about it all you want but your refusal to address the point I made (independents aren't the middle) points to a lack of intellectual honesty.

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you can make jokes about it all you want but your refusal to address the point I made (independents aren't the middle) points to a lack of intellectual honesty.


Whoa Nelly! I am trying to engage in a friendly discourse and yet I have been treated poorly by J_B for this entire thread. And now I am called a Liar!


I am forced to go back and read my earlier posts. I should note that while doing so I had to reread J_B’s prior insults all over again.


In my post #3 I wrote the following (I added the bold for emphasis here):



Not so fast there J_B....it seems that Obama is losing ground with the folks in the middle. link) The independents and others in the middle are finding out that Obama is not really what he was portrayed to be and they are not happy with what they elected. Ivan is correct they had unrealistic expectations.


First of all I am claiming that there are some independents in the middle. I am also claiming there are “others” in the middle as well. What is not claimed is that all independents are in the middle.




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For those of you riveted by J_B's perceptive analysis here are my posts for your reference:


Post #1



Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama's declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they'd rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings Bush showed during his final term that's somewhat of a surprise and an indication that voters are increasingly placing the blame on Obama for the country's difficulties instead of giving him space because of the tough situation he inherited. The closeness in the Obama/Bush numbers also has implications for the 2010 elections. Using the Bush card may not be particularly effective for Democrats anymore





Post #2



Presidential popularity declining after the first year in office has only happened with the last 43 presidents so this is a real anomaly.


Obama's decline is the worst ever recorded in a Gallup poll.


-- George W. Bush, 86 percent

-- Bill Clinton, 52 percent

-- George H.W. Bush, 71 percent

-- Ronald Reagan, 49 percent

-- Jimmy Carter, 57 percent

-- Gerald Ford, 52 percent

-- Richard Nixon, 59 percent

-- Lyndon Johnson, 74 percent

-- John Kennedy, 77 percent

-- Dwight Eisenhower, 69 percent

-- Harry Truman, 49 percent


Post #3


Not so fast there J_B....it seems that Obama is losing ground with the folks in the middle. link) The independents and others in the middle are finding out that Obama is not really what he was portrayed to be and they are not happy with what they elected. Ivan is correct they had unrealistic expectations.


Post #4



J_B you're are too funny. If anyone on here is more tied to the left/right dichotomy than you I can't think of them.




Do you support or oppose President Obama's health care plan, or do you not have an opinion?

39% Support, 52% Oppose (chart)


Are you opposed because it gets government too involved in health care or because it would not involve government enough?

90% Too much government involvement

6% Not enough government involvement



Unless of course your idea of progressive is the same as mine....movement towards free minds and free markets!


What a curious mix of Bush Term Three and Carter Term Two this presidency is turning out to be!



Post #5


If affordable health care for all, clean energy independence, an end to our wars, and drug policy reform are 'progressive', then the 2/3 number is actually correct.


Which of these four initiatives, if any, do you disagree with KKK?


All achievable thru => Free minds & Free Markets!


Trade Freely and don't trade lossy!


Post #6


Better watch out J_B or the truth might catch up and spoil your plot....


36 percent approve of the Democrats’ health-care plans and 61 percent disapprove. Just last month 46 percent approved and 49 percent did not. ( linky )


Here's a polll from that evil FOX!


Among Democrats, 63% favor the health care reform legislation, while a large majority (87%) of Republicans and two-thirds of independents (66%) oppose it.


Post #7


I almost hate to post this but J_B's last post reminded me of the quotation below: (My imitation of the other JayB)


Consequently, a proposition of an aprioristic theory can never be refuted by experience. Human action always confronts experience as a complex phenomenon that first must be analyzed and interpreted by a theory before it can even be set in the context of an hypothesis that could be proved or disproved; hence the vexatious impasse created when supporters of conflicting doctrines point to the same historical data as evidence of their correctness. The statement that statistics can prove anything is a popular recognition of this truth. No political or economic program, no matter how absurd, can, in the eyes of its supporters, be contradicted by experience. Whoever is convinced a priori of the correctness of his doctrine can always point out that some condition essential for success according to his theory has not been met. Each of the German political parties seeks in the experience of the second Reich confirmation of the soundness of its program. Supporters and opponents of socialism draw opposite conclusions from the experience of Russian bolshevism. Disagreements concerning the probative power of concrete historical experience can be resolved only by reverting to the doctrines of the universally valid theory, which are independent of all experience. Every theoretical argument that is supposedly drawn from history necessarily becomes a logical argument about pure theory apart from all history. When arguments based on principle concern questions of action, one should always be ready to admit that nothing can "be found more dangerous and more unworthy of a philosopher than the vulgar pretension to appeal to an experience to the contrary,"[4] and not, like Kant and the socialists of all schools who follow him, only when such an appeal shows socialism in an unfavorable light.


Precisely because the phenomena of historical experience are complex, the inadequacies of an erroneous theory are less effectively revealed when experience contradicts it than when it is assessed in the light of the correct theory. The iron law of wages was not rejected because experience contradicted it, but because its fundamental absurdities were exposed. The conflict between its most clearly controvertible thesis?that wages tend toward the minimum needed for subsistence?and the facts of experience should have been easily recognized. Yet it is even today just as firmly entrenched in lay discussion and public opinion as in the Marxian theory of surplus value, which, incidentally, professes to reject the iron law of wages. No past experience prevented Knapp from presenting his state theory of money,* and no later experience has forced his supporters to give up the theory.


The obstinacy of such unwillingness to learn from experience should stand as a warning to science. If a contradiction appears between a theory and experience, we always have to assume that a condition presupposed by the theory was not present, or else that there is some error in our observation. Since the essential prerequisite of action?dissatisfaction and the possibility of removing it partly or entirely?is always present, only the second possibility?an error in observation?remains open. However, in science one cannot be too cautious. If the facts do not confirm the theory, the cause perhaps may lie in the imperfection of the theory. The disagreement between the theory and the facts of experience consequently forces us to think through the problems of the theory again. But so long as a re-examination of the theory uncovers no errors in our thinking, we are not entitled to doubt its truth.




Post #8

Better watch out J_B or the truth might catch up and spoil your plot....


36 percent approve of the Democrats’ health-care plans and 61 percent disapprove. Just last month 46 percent approved and 49 percent did not. ( linky )


Here's a polll from that evil FOX!


Among Democrats, 63% favor the health care reform legislation, while a large majority (87%) of Republicans and two-thirds of independents (66%) oppose it.



You are wrongly assuming that everyone opposes current healtcare reform from the right whereas plenty of people oppose it because it is barely more than another hand out to the insurance industry through forcing the purchase of insurance and nothing to provide competiton to oligopolies. We won't even mention what it does to reproductive rights of women.


Earth to J_B! Please come in take off the foil hat! And remember your meds! I've been saying Obama is loosing the middle!!!!!





Post # 9


While the liberal clerics here on cc.com continue to avoid reality progress moves on.....


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 24% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18.

That’s a one point improvement from yesterday when Obama’s Approval Index rating fell to the lowest level yet recorded. Prior to the past three days, the Approval Index had never fallen below -15 during Obama’s time in office (see trends).


Post #10


Of course Reid and Pelosi are even worse:


A Senate Democratic aide, perplexed by Mr. Lieberman’s stance, said, “It was a total flip-flop, and leaves us in a predicament as to what to do.”





Elsewhere Marshall Wittmann, Lieberman’s spokesman:


“Contrary to the claims of anonymous aides, Senator Lieberman told Senator Reid on Friday that he had a problem with the Medicare provision. This position was also told to negotiators earlier last week,” says Wittman. “Consequently, Senator Lieberman’s position came as no surprise to the Democratic leadership. Any contrary charges by aides who cowardly seek to hide under the cloak of anonymity are false and self-serving.”


I had the unforunate pleasure of shaking Pelosi's hand a few months ago. ( I gelled immediately afterwards) I was struck by her coldness and oddly how much she resembled my grandmother had my grandmother been a vampire.


Post #11


try to contain your hate. you are what is wrong with america.


merry xmas!


Don't forget Happy New Year...and it will eb a good year =>In Z We Trust!


Post #12


Even I can't go on with this.

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what about?


Acting so pompous and being so demeaning and insulting to your intellectual inferiors!


Educate and lift up the discourse! After all we certainly can't. Help us out of the basement.




Says the goon who systematically practices McCarthyism. I have been the subject of constant verbal abuse and sandbox behavior by neanderthals like KKK over the last 7 years and I defend myself the only way I can. If they want to raise the level of their discourse nobody, least of all myself, is preventing them from doing so.

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what about?


Acting so pompous and being so demeaning and insulting to your intellectual inferiors!


Educate and lift up the discourse! After all we certainly can't. Help us out of the basement.




Says the goon who systematically practices McCarthyism. I have been the subject of constant verbal abuse and sandbox behavior by neanderthals like KKK over the last 7 years and I defend myself the only way I can. If they want to raise the level of their discourse nobody, least of all myself, is preventing them from doing so.


I understand..you have simply braved the goons of cc.com for so long. McCarthyites! Neaderthals! Pentacostals! Sport Climbers! I can only imagine how tough the playground must have been for you back in grade school. I for one will take the J_B challenge and endeavor to practice McCarthyism randomly in the future!

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Says the goon who systematically practices McCarthyism.

I wonder what that there really means? "systematically practices McCarthyism" Is he blacklisting again? Wiki says "Today the term is used more generally to describe demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents"...I don't see that from PP.



Obama's decline is the worst ever recorded in a Gallup poll.


-- George W. Bush, 86 percent

-- Bill Clinton, 52 percent

-- George H.W. Bush, 71 percent

-- Ronald Reagan, 49 percent

-- Jimmy Carter, 57 percent

-- Gerald Ford, 52 percent

-- Richard Nixon, 59 percent

-- Lyndon Johnson, 74 percent

-- John Kennedy, 77 percent

-- Dwight Eisenhower, 69 percent

-- Harry Truman, 49 percent


Our country survived FDR, and many consider him a great, if not one of the greatest, President: in retrospect. We will survive this as well, perhaps even thrive. Although it makes you wonder what Obamas poll numbers at end of term one and-or two, if he does get re-elected.

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