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treadmill for the wife


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hemp22-thanks for the offer, but she wants a new one. It's a no brainer to buy a used one, with all the wanna be athletes out there giving up on them, but I don't argue with her about stuff like this.

j_kirby - thanks for the tip on the costco model. I've looked at that one and read the reviews. Seems like there are some lemons, but almost any model you look at, for any price, has some bad reviews.


I feel very fortunate to have a wife who still takes fitness seriously when 98% of the women her age have totally pigged out. I may soon be out of the doghouse and I haven't even bought the treadmill. Woof Woof!

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I've used a Vision Fitness (I can probably find the exact model # if you really care) one for a good amount of time. It works fine. It doesn't have a HR monitor or weird bells/whistles like that (I have a real HR monitor so I don't care.) I found that for actual running it was better to just go outside because my stride was longer than the treadmill, but walking and cooling down after a run was great on it.

And hell, I have had SOs get on my case for wanting to peace out and go skiing or climbing on MY birthday.

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If she was a hardcore climber I'm surprised she won't just run outside? It is free, greener than a treadmill and doesn't take up any room.


Yes, and preferably with a heavy pack on!


BTW, regular running is very injury-prone so why don't you get her a nice and fast road bike? I am so glad I have one.

Great for occasional transportation too.


Boring, boring but still better than a garden cultivator I received for my anni a few years back!






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