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A few things about me:

- I've hiked all of my life.

- I've been skiing for 26 years

- I've been climbing for 12 years.


My climbing partners (past & present) include:

- 2 climbing guidebook authors

- 1 author of a self-rescue book

- 1 AMGA rock and ice guide (my rope was the first he ever tied into)

- 1 former non-accredited alpine guide in WA state

- 1 current non-accredited guide in WA state


I'm not saying this to brag or massage my ego. Most on this site don't know anything about the 2nd list. I usually keep this stuff pretty close to me because that's how I am. I've learned from the aforementioned people that being a good climber also includes keeping your ego in check.


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  ChestBeater said:
A few things about me:

- I've hiked all of my life.

- I've been skiing for 26 years

- I've been climbing for 12 years.


My climbing partners (past & present) include:

- 2 climbing guidebook authors

- 1 author of a self-rescue book

- 1 AMGA rock and ice guide (my rope was the first he ever tied into)

- 1 former non-accredited alpine guide in WA state

- 1 current non-accredited guide in WA state


I'm not saying this to brag or massage my ego. Most on this site don't know anything about the 2nd list. I usually keep this stuff pretty close to me because that's how I am. I've learned from the aforementioned people that being a good climber also includes keeping your ego in check.


that guy really left some sand in your privates, didn't he?



That child obviously needs some formal training in winter survival. Look at all the mistakes it is making.




I'll probably be getting a page to go haul it's corpse off the mountain anytime now.


Well im pritty sure that i could jump into the artic oshen and my dick would still be bigger than urs...


im like 14 and have been climing in the gym for 5 months and can alredy top rope 5.12.... so shut up cuz u arnt that speshel

  ChestBeater said:
A few things about me:

- I've hiked all of my life.

- I've been skiing for 26 years

- I've been climbing for 12 years.


My climbing partners (past & present) include:

- 2 climbing guidebook authors

- 1 author of a self-rescue book

- 1 AMGA rock and ice guide (my rope was the first he ever tied into)

- 1 former non-accredited alpine guide in WA state

- 1 current non-accredited guide in WA state


I'm not saying this to brag or massage my ego. Most on this site don't know anything about the 2nd list. I usually keep this stuff pretty close to me because that's how I am. I've learned from the aforementioned people that being a good climber also includes keeping your ego in check.


But you've never roped up with me, nor will you ever. So STFU. Bitch.

  marc_leclerc said:


im like 14 and have been climing in the gym for 5 months and can alredy top rope 5.12....


That's real impressive there sporto boy wonder. Those top-ropin' skills probably won't help you too much when you are out there in the alpine pushin' it on the sharp end. I'm talking about real climbing. Like Yellowjacket Tower for instance. Let me know when you head up there so I can get my rescue gear ready.

  ChestBeater said:
  marc_leclerc said:


im like 14 and have been climing in the gym for 5 months and can alredy top rope 5.12....


That's real impressive there sporto boy wonder. Those top-ropin' skills probably won't help you too much when you are out there in the alpine pushin' it on the sharp end. I'm talking about real climbing. Like Yellowjacket Tower for instance. Let me know when you head up there so I can get my rescue gear ready.


Haha.. fooled you homo bitch....

  Doug said:

But you've never roped up with me, nor will you ever. So STFU. Bitch.


You are probably one of those guys who wouldn't humble themselves to go on a nice, simple hike and enjoy the great outdoors and write a nice trip report about it. It's not "cool" or "extreme" enough for you I guess. Well, I'm not above posting a trip report (or a few hundred) about hiking even though I'm plenty qualified to rope up with most of the people on this website.


I lead Mountaineers outings. Do you? I didn't think so.



The penis of these species is curled like a cork-screw and often becomes entangled in their mate's genitalia in the process of exchanging sperm. When all else fails, apophallation allows the slugs to separate themselves by one or both of the slugs chewing off the other's penis. Once its penis has been removed, a slug is still able to mate subsequently, but using only the female parts of its reproductive system.

  ChestBeater said:
  Doug said:

But you've never roped up with me, nor will you ever. So STFU. Bitch.


You are probably one of those guys who wouldn't humble themselves to go on a nice, simple hike and enjoy the great outdoors and write a nice trip report about it. It's not "cool" or "extreme" enough for you I guess. Well, I'm not above posting a trip report (or a few hundred) about hiking even though I'm plenty qualified to rope up with most of the people on this website.


I lead Mountaineers outings. Do you? I didn't think so.


Humility isn't my strong point, but enough about me. You're saying that when a mountaineer wants to "come out" you lead them out of the closet? So brave of you given the trauma your own outing must have put you through.

  minx said:
i walked around the block this morning. i skiied twice this year and climbed once...5.9! top that you pansy ass wannabes






Turn around and Chestbest!


"Although the majority of my TRs this year were climbing related (one one hike and one ski tour - blame my pregger wife and my gimpy dog for that), I love the variety, the lack of cursing, and the lack of machismo. I avoid CC like the plague b/c I just don't get good vibes from the site.


Sorry that all of my posts in this thread thus far have been climbing related. There are lots and lots of outstanding hiking TRs out there that have been missed too.


Here's one more climb and I promise to post some hikes after that"

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