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Partner with weak constitution wanted

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trask...Fetishes that I may or may not have aren't an issue. "Perfect style" is without gear. Free solo is a higher style than hang dogin. Ben Nevis has been soloed nekked. Although the guy did use boots crampons and tools.


Ruddersbox...I think that Wild Turkey might add to the challange but I prefer Maker's Mark


CF...Gain on dude


The rest of you pusses...Where's the spray when I guy need's it?

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Originally posted by Terminal Gravity:

(snip) Ben Nevis has been soloed nekked. Although the guy did use boots crampons and tools.

Then it wasn't naked.


Or "nekked" for that matter.


BTW, if you want a true sysiphean experience, do it after eating some Vitamin L.

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