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this thread is like 3rd grade all over again except without long division


I know that arguing toe to toe with the rightwing is distasteful to people like you but you fail to realize that 3rd grade level rhetoric and below is what has set this country's course for decades now. Millions listen to fucking rush limbaugh and until you recognize that fact and get your pretty hands dirty, the barbarians will keep running all over you.


Attacking the intellectual capacity of those with whom they disagree is a hallmark of those on the left, but dig deep and you'll discover that about 95% of these goof-balls lack any of the academic credentials they try to project or claim to possess. Most are just lost souls unable or unwilling to compete in a free society, or simply believers that the free market does not properly reward their own perceived intellectual superiority. j_b in a nut shell.

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So my completely off-the-wall unsupported prediction is Dow dropping to reset at around 5000 (circa 1995 levels) sometime early or mid 2009.


Did you not put that somewhere around here back when the Dow was 10,000 or so? If so, you are now tied with Jayb as the CC.com top economist. (OK, it's true, I'm too lazy to look it up myself).




This plaque for your wall denoting top status will follow shortly.

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...dig deep and you'll discover that about 95% of these goof-balls lack any of the academic credentials they try to project or claim to possess. Most are just lost souls unable or unwilling to compete in a free society, or simply believers that the free market does not properly reward their own perceived intellectual superiority.

He sounds kinda like a liberal rush limbaugh to me: ATTACK! ATTACK!


Limbaugh reportedly has done quite well competing and has been more than properly (substantially) rewarded in the free market.

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Limbaugh reportedly has done quite well competing and has been more than properly (substantially) rewarded in the free market.


the "free market" where radio is mostly owned by militant rightwingers who only employ the most vile racists and bigots. what a joke!

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Limbaugh reportedly has done quite well competing and has been more than properly (substantially) rewarded in the free market.


the "free market" where radio is mostly owned by militant rightwingers who only employ the most vile racists and bigots. what a joke!


The free market that continues to employ only those that provide their sponsors with income; witness: the short life of Air America.


Perhaps, Air America would have prolonged their stay if only they'd have figured out how to provide marketable entertainment.

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The free market that continues to employ only those that provide their sponsors with income; witness: the short life of Air America.


Perhaps, Air America would have prolonged their stay if only they'd have figured out how to provide marketable entertainment.


Thanks for the concise (and quite accurate) insight into the decline of journalism under capitalist market pressure.

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Most are just lost souls unable or unwilling to compete in a free society.


definition: Compete –verb (used without object), -pet⋅ed, -pet⋅ing.

to strive to outdo another for acknowledgment, a prize, supremacy, profit, etc.; engage in a contest; vie: to compete in a race; to compete in business.


So let me get this straight, to be a functioning member of society it is my duty to work endlessly to prove that not only am I better than you, but my family is more deserving of the basic necessities of life than yours?


God Bless America!

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