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John Birch Society issues paper


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Someone on another thread was accusing someone of being a John Bircher. I really didn't know much about them, so I went and looked, pulled this off the John Birch Society web page so you know exactly what is being accused. Close to a bunch of Obama campaign promises. From here: http://www.jbs.org/


Family and Freedom

Vibrant and healthy families are essential to securing limited government interference in a free society. Actions which empower families should be encouraged.


National Sovereignty

America's Founders fought hard for independence. Americans today should be similarly vigilant and should work to ensure that the nation's independence not be sacrificed.


Inflation, Taxes, Economy

Low taxes and sound money, rather than high taxes and inflation, are the key to a robust economy. Less debt and less creation of money out of thin air are the solutions to our economic problems.


Health Care

The quality of health care available in the United States is the envy of the world. Promoting a competitive free enterprise system of health care ensures that we continue to get the best care.



Our nation leads the world in the amount of legal immigration each year. Those seeking a better life here should obey our laws. Those who have immigrated illegally should not be granted amnesty.



Abundant affordable energy is the life blood of economic progress and prosperity, and energy independence is the key to national economic success in America.


The Constitution

The U.S. Constitution is the finest charter of government yet created for the purpose of limiting government and protecting our natural rights, and freedoms.


War & Foreign Policy

America should not seek abroad for monsters to destroy. Instead, the nation should ensure the common defense, seek trade with all, and avoid entangling alliances.


Privacy and Internet Freedom

Americans, as clearly stated in our Constitution, should be secure in their papers and effects. As true in the real world of day to day life, it is equally important in the virtual world online.



Diversity in educational choices is essential in a free society. Education provided for in an open marketplace of ideas is superior to any standardized system imposed by government.



Environmental Stewardship

Americans seek to be good stewards of the environment. The best way to achieve that goal is through respect for property rights and through individual action in local communities.



Right to Bear Arms

Every person has the right to self defense, whether against hunger, crime or tyranny. To that end, the Founders declared that the right to bear arms may not be infringed.




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Family and Freedom

Vibrant and healthy families are essential to securing limited government interference in a free society. Actions which empower families should be encouraged.

So they are anti Bush because of his disdain for funding education at all levels and for ripping families apart by sending them off to war even if they thought they signed up for the national guard.


National Sovereignty

America's Founders fought hard for independence. Americans today should be similarly vigilant and should work to ensure that the nation's independence not be sacrificed.

So they are anti-bush because of his dependence on Chinese trade.


Inflation, Taxes, Economy

Low taxes and sound money, rather than high taxes and inflation, are the key to a robust economy. Less debt and less creation of money out of thin air are the solutions to our economic problems.

So they are anti-Bush because he raised taxes on the poor, caused higher inflation, decimated the economy, raise the debt to record levels, and funded the bailout on virtual money.


Health Care

The quality of health care available in the United States is the envy of the world. Promoting a competitive free enterprise system of health care ensures that we continue to get the best care.

So they are anti-bush because he allowed large corporations tax breaks for hostile takeovers of smaller Pharmecutical companies.



Our nation leads the world in the amount of legal immigration each year. Those seeking a better life here should obey our laws. Those who have immigrated illegally should not be granted amnesty.

So they like Bush for this reason.



Abundant affordable energy is the life blood of economic progress and prosperity, and energy independence is the key to national economic success in America.

So they are anti-Bush for increasing our dependence on foreign oil.


The Constitution

The U.S. Constitution is the finest charter of government yet created for the purpose of limiting government and protecting our natural rights, and freedoms.

So they are anti-Bush for dismantling the bill of rights, and several parts of the constitution.


War & Foreign Policy

America should not seek abroad for monsters to destroy. Instead, the nation should ensure the common defense, seek trade with all, and avoid entangling alliances.

So they are anti-Bush for seeking, lying about, and engaging in fear mongering to justify entangling the US in Iraq. They are also anti-Bush for cutting off trade with Iran and North Korea.


Privacy and Internet Freedom

Americans, as clearly stated in our Constitution, should be secure in their papers and effects. As true in the real world of day to day life, it is equally important in the virtual world online.

So they are anti-bush for his support of the Patriot Act which eliminates Privacy on the internet and over the phone.



Diversity in educational choices is essential in a free society. Education provided for in an open marketplace of ideas is superior to any standardized system imposed by government.

SO they are anti-Bush for his "No child left behind" act which instituted WASL like testing nationwide.



Environmental Stewardship

Americans seek to be good stewards of the environment. The best way to achieve that goal is through respect for property rights and through individual action in local communities.

So they are anti-Bush because he i openly supports trashing the environment.



Right to Bear Arms

Every person has the right to self defense, whether against hunger, crime or tyranny. To that end, the Founders declared that the right to bear arms may not be infringed.

So they are anti-Bush because he supported the Patriot act which layed the groundwork for seizing anything deem a threat to national security.



And all this time I thought they were republicans.



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Someone on another thread was accusing someone of being a John Bircher. I really didn't know much about them, so I went and looked, pulled this off the John Birch Society web page so you know exactly what is being accused. Close to a bunch of Obama campaign promises.


I have no idea if he is/was a card carrying Bircher but his rhetoric is basically the cold war anti-communist conspiracy paranoia of the jbs. Don't be fooled by the innocuous looking jargon you'll find today on their website. They are basically a corporate financed far right group which sees: "collectivism" as the main threat to Western Civilization, and liberals as "secret communist traitors" who provide cover for the gradual process of collectivism, with the ultimate goal of replacing the nations of western civilization with one-world socialist government. "There are many stages of welfarism, socialism, and collectivism in general," he wrote, "but Communism is the ultimate state of them all, and they all lead inevitably in that direction."






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Someone on another thread was accusing someone of being a John Bircher. I really didn't know much about them, so I went and looked, pulled this off the John Birch Society web page so you know exactly what is being accused. Close to a bunch of Obama campaign promises.


I have no idea if he is/was a card carrying Bircher but his rhetoric is basically the cold war anti-communist conspiracy paranoia of the jbs. Don't be fooled by the innocuous looking jargon you'll find today on their website. They are basically a corporate financed far right group which sees: "collectivism" as the main threat to Western Civilization, and liberals as "secret communist traitors" who provide cover for the gradual process of collectivism, with the ultimate goal of replacing the nations of western civilization with one-world socialist government. "There are many stages of welfarism, socialism, and collectivism in general," he wrote, "but Communism is the ultimate state of them all, and they all lead inevitably in that direction."






Wow so you're a red Birch Baiter!

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hard to think of bigger case of "collectivism" then recent economic bail-out of wall street.


and you'll find many birchers who oppose it as vehemently as you do, though their reasoning is different.

But they probably campaigned hard for the Bush policys that led us to where we are now.

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