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Shroom time of year.


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Amanita muscaria is not a good hullucinogen anyway. I'd strongly recommend sticking with psilocybin, it's a much better high, and safer.


Or, so I've read. :whistle:


It is true Amanita have been known to cause stomache issues with consuming small amounts. Psilocybin doesn't have quite that problem for most folks.

All hullucingenic mushrooms are a form of poison.


There were some great Chanterelles out past the slide at Ida Creek - yum!

Edited by Tokogirl
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I know none of this for a fact, but I hear you don't just eat the Amanita muscaria. There is some kind of processing one does before eating them. Carving out the white caps or something.


Correctly identifying the psylocybin variety is much safer.


Chanterelles, oyster mushrooms, and others taste good with dinner. Good ID skills are a must, but if you do that right you just get a nice dinner and don't have to plan on further entertainment.

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nah, you don't do any of that urban legend stuff, you just eat the caps like normal. They're not THAT toxic. In fact, you can detoxify them and eat them like food if you want.


Most poisonings occur when people mistake them for death caps, which WILL kill you.

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psylocybins are easy to grow at home. Try it. they dont stink like pot plants, you only need a small space, and the process is mostly hurry up and wait. 3 months, and presto, you are trippin ballz.


I am so happy, a friend finally took me to her super secret chantrelle spot, after several years of bugging her. Now I've got tasty mushies and crazy mushies!

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