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McCain/Palin: zero economic credentials


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American woman, said get away

American woman, listen what I say

Don’t come hangin’ around my door

Don’t wanna see your face no more

I don’t need your war machines

I don’t need your ghetto scenes

Coloured lights can hypnotize

Sparkle someone else’s eyes

Now woman, get away from me

American woman, mama let me be.

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Does Obama look and sound that bad when he's being interviewed? God, talk about stiff and cold!


"Um, uh, eh, um, um, um, uh, so what I mean is, um, er..."



You can't be serious about Obama. The guy is NOT articulate in the least...without his teleprompter. He obviously has a slow processor installed--or needs a new sound card put on his motherboard.

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Puget and EricB don't want to talk about it, but I'll do some of their homework for them. Here's the recent lies I can think of:


McCain Lies

  • Obama wants to teach sex ed in kindergarten
  • Palin said thanks but no thanks to bridge from nowhere
  • Obama wants to raise your taxes
  • We can defeat the terrorists through military action
  • We can drill our way to oil independence


Obama Lies

  • McCain wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years
  • I can get us out of Iraq in 16 months without leaving a mess behind


This is just a start, based on a few short minutes' reflection. Can cc.com's fact checkers add to these lists?


Obama: "I'm only going to raise taxes on the wealthiest 5% of Americans. Ever one else's taxes will go down." :rolleyes:

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As Campaign Heats Up, Untruths Can Become Facts Before They're Undone

By Jonathan Weisman

Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, September 10, 2008; A01


... A Washington Post-ABC News poll taken Sept. 5 to Sept. 7 found that 51 percent of voters think Obama would raise their taxes, even though his plan would actually cut taxes for the overwhelming majority of Americans. Obama has proposed eliminating income taxes on seniors making less than $50,000 a year, but 41 percent of those seniors say their income taxes would go up in an Obama administration.

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Do you honestly think Obama has the credentials to be our next president? (We're not talking VP here.)


Of coarse, just to throw this in, I would take Obamas credentials as a US Senator having to deal with national issues, policies and laws over that of a hockey mom clown from the great northern outback any day of the week. What is the size and make up of the Alaska electorate again?


As for Obama vs McCain I wouldn't vote for either one based on credentials - George Bush has (or will have) 8 years of presidential experience and thus we should all demand a constitutional change and hold mass pro-bush rallies demanding our "experienced" "leader" continue to "lead" us.


..just sayin

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* It created 36 percent and 39.6 income tax rates for individuals.

* It created a 35 percent income tax rate for corporations.

* The cap on Medicare taxes was repealed.

* Transportation fuels taxes were hiked by 4.3 cents per gallon.

* The taxable portion of Social Security benefits was raised.

* The phase-out of the personal exemption and limit on itemized deductions were permanently extended.

Didn't affect whom?



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Ya know FW, I just don't understand guys like you. I thought McCain was pretty good before he sold his independent soul for the Republican Nomination. At least Obama got the better of the mainstream (far left) democrats by taking the nomination away from Hilary.

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Gee FW, I wonder why so many working class folks failed to hold your "specifics" against Old Bill Clinton?


Couldn't be because they finally noticed some fairness (pun intended) coming into the tax system could it? Couldn't be because over all, the economy made great gains on behalf of all of us rather than just the wealthiest 5%?


Why is it that rich people are so against allowing the other _% (what ever the majority is) to enjoy a little prosperity as well?


How many houses can John McCain live in at one time anyway?

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Actually, if you compare the four people before us, Obama is by far the better speaker out of all by far. So no, I don't.


You could make a honest debate over other issues, but your candidate of choice (and his VP) don't even come close to Obama's ability to speak.


:lmao::lmao: Both of the VP candidates out-speak their bosses. Obama cannot speak unprompted. Take another look between now and election day. The debates will likely reveal this too.

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Are you honestly saying you haven't noticed that the man has a few problems processing speech that requires thought?


Um, no I have not noticed that. I notice that he seems to be a bit more capable of at least appearing to be in thought prior o speaking, and that when he does speak at least some of what he says isn't totally scripted.


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Gee FW, I wonder why so many working class folks failed to hold your "specifics" against Old Bill Clinton?


Couldn't be because they finally noticed some fairness (pun intended) coming into the tax system could it? Couldn't be because over all, the economy made great gains on behalf of all of us rather than just the wealthiest 5%?


Why is it that rich people are so against allowing the other _% (what ever the majority is) to enjoy a little prosperity as well?



Maybe because the top 5% are already shouldering over 50% of the personal tax burden? Do you really want to talk fairness?



Edited by Fairweather
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