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Why McCain would be a lousy prez


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Fairweather, which one of the bill of rights is about privacy? What makes you think you have any? So much information about you is gathered every day, collated, traded, and sold to the highest bidder. Who are you worried about knowing your health history? The government? Hell, the insurance industry knows all about you and your health history, and I don't trust those folks very much. Control? Hey, you're free to have any medical procedure you want to pay for (well, except assisted suicide), but if you want your health insurance to pay for it you don't really have all that much control now, do you?


If you want to fight "socialized medicine" does that mean you want to do away with the veterans health care system and completely dismantle medicare? Maybe you should lobby John McCain to go public with this agenda.



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how do you reconcile issues of privacy and liberty within a government-controlled health care system?


Exactly the same way you do today. Today if you prefer to keep your medical records private, you can choose not to use an insurance company today. This option is still avalible to you in a publicly funded system. Simply opt out. Nobody is suggesting that you will be made to go to public health care facilities. You must simply pay your part for insurace that covers you.

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Why is it that the economy suffered and the Federal deficit went up after both the Reagan tax cuts and the Bush tax cuts?


Are you high, right now? Clearly, all the weed you have smoked has affected your memory. The economy during the '80's/'90's sucked? Not really. If you could recall, you might remember that Ronald Reagan ran for President promising tax cuts. When he was elected, he felt honor-bound to fulfill that promise; unfortunately, he was up against a strongly Democrat-controlled Congress. In order to get his tax cut, he had to agree to a shit ton of spending that the Democrats wanted. President Bush actually raised taxes, if you remember. Cutting taxes actually raised tax revenues, but spending also went up...spending money is the job of Congress, not the president.

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Fairweather, which one of the bill of rights is about privacy?


OW, although the right to privacy is not explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights (or anywhere else in the Constitution for that matter), the Supreme Court has determined that such a right is provided to us constitutionally. This implied right to privacy is the lynchpin of the Roe V Wade decision.


So the upset you and Matt always express about Bush's perceived privacy invasions is just unfounded hysteria. Got it.


FW, given that right to privacy does exist, those violations sure as hell are not merely perceived

Edited by mkporwit
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Nobody is suggesting that you will be made to go to public health care facilities.
Hillary Clinton's proposal in 1993/94 proposed just that.


Did Hillary Clinton really propose to close or nationalize all private clinics and hospitals? I don't think so.

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