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Most Akward Alpine Crap


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Come on guys... whats the most akward crap (or piss) you've ever taken in the alpine. I guess crags count too if its REALLY akward.


Mine was either taking a dump on the tree at the second belay of Yak Check (its gone now, don't worry) or taking a piss in the middle of seconding an ice climb. I had to make a quick chest harness, secure myself on an ice screw and try to piss through all my layers of clothing while wearing a harness in the -30 degree windy gulley.

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Really had to take a crap badly on the rap down from NF of N Peak of Index a few years back. Was desparately trying to keep the beast contained until we could get off the raps and into the scrub at the base of the route.


I was first on one of the very last raps, the beast was about to escape into my trowzerz, and I just couldn't wait any longer, so I rigged an autoblock and dropped trow while still in mid-rap and in harness. Now you know the reason why the Alpine Bod harness was invented. I have yet to find another harness as light as the AB and where one can remain tied in and drop pants to shit.

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Really had to take a crap badly on the rap down from NF of N Peak of Index a few years back. Was desparately trying to keep the beast contained until we could get off the raps and into the scrub at the base of the route.


I was first on one of the very last raps, the beast was about to escape into my trowzerz, and I just couldn't wait any longer, so I rigged an autoblock and dropped trow while still in mid-rap and in harness. Now you know the reason why the Alpine Bod harness was invented. I have yet to find another harness as light as the AB and where one can remain tied in and drop pants to shit.


Wow. It sounds possible, but still quite tricky to pull off, Sobo. Kudos!


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the edge of the bergshrund of NF of Athabasca in heavy spindrift.

more recently after the first crux of mixed master (little alcove), just to find out the zippers through the crotch don't work and you have to take your bibs off while belaying your partner up (reverso rulez!)

middle of the pitch 4 on CMC wall.

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BTW, did you yell "ROCK!". ;)

Actually, I think it was "LOOK OUT BELOW!!!1" :laf:


And it was indeed rather tricky. There was a concern that I might shit upon the rope, which is never good. :noway: So I pulled up a bunch of it and draped it over the tops of my ankles to keep it out of the impact zone.

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this wasn't me but...


after i climbed ingalls, i was starting down the slope and look up again at the route only to find a guy wiping his butt like 30 feet away. great view.


lol. my friend had a similar experience ascending the DC route. it was whiteout conditions and he was beat. He crested the summit ridge to be treated to a figure emerging from the fog taking a shit right on the crater rim.


good times.


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