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wierd injury

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since i'm a genius, i get all my medical advice from teh interwebs


so what the hell have i done to myself? after 3 decades of living a pretty active life, i can't recall an injury like this - my right lower leg is fawked - i feel it when climbing and i try pivoting all my weight onto the leg when the knee is bent - it's not the knee that hurts, but just below it where the bones plug in - it doesn't hurt when just walking around, but whenver climbing, as soon as i try doing the oh-so-sporto movement where i'm moving all my wieght from one side of my body to the other, it sings - it's made me a more intelligent climber lately as i've had to figure out ways to avoid being in that position - at any rate, the upper calf is so tweaked now b/c of the bones hurting that its becoming like a permanent charlie horse and pissing me off


it's clearly not a major medical disaster, but is there anything i should be doing beyond the simple ice n' advil thing? i'd try not to climb on it, but it's like a drug no? at any rate, i'm wondering if running and stair-climbing aren't helping aggravate the situation anyhow. should i just get meself a shiny new bionic leg? anyone hurt their leg like this before? its a new one for me...

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since i'm a genius, i get all my medical advice from teh interwebs


so what the hell have i done to myself? after 3 decades of living a pretty active life, i can't recall an injury like this - my right lower leg is fawked - i feel it when climbing and i try pivoting all my weight onto the leg when the knee is bent - it's not the knee that hurts, but just below it where the bones plug in - it doesn't hurt when just walking around, but whenver climbing, as soon as i try doing the oh-so-sporto movement where i'm moving all my wieght from one side of my body to the other, it sings - it's made me a more intelligent climber lately as i've had to figure out ways to avoid being in that position - at any rate, the upper calf is so tweaked now b/c of the bones hurting that its becoming like a permanent charlie horse and pissing me off


it's clearly not a major medical disaster, but is there anything i should be doing beyond the simple ice n' advil thing? i'd try not to climb on it, but it's like a drug no? at any rate, i'm wondering if running and stair-climbing aren't helping aggravate the situation anyhow. should i just get meself a shiny new bionic leg? anyone hurt their leg like this before? its a new one for me...


I had a similar experience and it was my IT band.....look up the various stretches for it on the interwebs if you get a chance. Also, I bought a foam roller and give it a couple sessions a week.....haven't had any issues for a couple years.

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You have "Jumper's Knee," chronic inflammation of the infrapatellar tendon.


Wear a "chopat" or similar brace - a band that goes around below your kneecap and takes the pressure off of it. Transverse friction massage, rest, ice, and strengthening your vastus medialis oblique muscle will help it heal. Look up the VMO exercises on the internet, they are easy to figure out (leg extensions, presses, squats, 1-legged stands) with empahsis on the inner part of your quad. It help to turn your leg out, or squeeze a ball b/tween your knees when doing leg presses.


The end.

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the jumpers knee info i've read online sounds about right i reckon - but why does my calf hurt? thought it was supposed to be the quads that were tweaked by this injury?


I would bet your calf hurts because you are walking differently (even if it doesn't feel like you are) because of the weak tendon. our bodies compensate for injuries in interesting ways. go see a massage therapist and try to work out some of the tightness in your calf... I too have a foam roller. they are like a session in a torture chamber but they do help. man people think i cuss a lot when i climb, you should hear me on the roller. :crazy:

Edited by Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer
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quit asking some many fucking questions and be a man about it


actually i decided a good old-fashioned bleeding would work best to relieve the excessive humors from my spleen - if that doesn't work i'm gonna fucking kill some heathens as a token of my submission to the boundless love of bog

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quit asking some many fucking questions and be a man about it


actually i decided a good old-fashioned bleeding would work best to relieve the excessive humors from my spleen - if that doesn't work i'm gonna fucking kill some heathens as a token of my submission to the boundless love of bog


if that doesn't work try the voodoo that is accupuncture.... I have no idea why or how it works but it does.

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