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Climbers Training Manual

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WTF! I thought you moved to SLC to have more time to climb and collect wives? F#ck, you might as well move back to the NW if you're sitting around celibate indoors doing this half your time. A fair number of your audience is more likely to need a training manual on getting laid by Mormon chicks - they already know how to climb.


But, all in all, it's quite a collection of useful info. I'm more of a 'just go do it' sort of climber, but for folks looking for a directed path and a condensed program from someone who knows their stuff then I'd say you did a good job - for a guy who probably should have been selfishly climbing and getting laid rather than monkishly (or is that monkeyishly) scribing 18mgs of training for others.

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I wrote 90% of it in Seattle and I have chronic insomnia (i've seen some shit man!)


Sorry about it being a pain in the ass to download. Unlike some, I didn't waste my life learning fancy computer shit. F'in microsoft kept fucking up the pdf upload, so I had to do it as a word doc which sucks.


Anyone know a good place to upload the 18meg pdf?

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64 pages? Wow, quite the book - you must be burning midnight oil. Bravo ML, like Ivan, haven't read it all yet, but what I see looks pretty damn good. BTW - still doing the stretches you recommended.....still can't touch my toes: :blush:, but I have hope.


You asked for specific advice. Here's mine. Spend more time and words discussing injuries (and importance of avoiding them) right at the start of your work, at least a full page discussing them and emphasis on the importance of warming up slowly to start and working opposition muscles. As a Docktor, this is subject matter you will know better and more throughly than Horst or perhaps anybody, and you'll have personal anecdotal info to add as well I bet. What we've all found is that even a minor injury can quickly develop into some long term major F*ed up event, where the pain only makes the training (and climbing) suck so bad you never want to do it again, and it sabotages your plans.

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I toyed with the idea for getting into specific injuries, etc as well as adding anecdotes etc.. but that would be something to do if I was to publish it. I believe I talk about injuries quite a bit in the first couple pages.


The last 10 pages or so are completely different than the rest.

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Yeah, in addition to my first thought, how about that? Add a full chapter on injuries, avoidance and healing processes?


Good Idea. BTW, I have a copy of a book you might find interesting. I bought it thinking it would be interesting and instead it just turned out to be complex and uninteresting. As I was reading it, I was thinking you would appreciate it more than I.



Written by 2 German doctors and published by Petzl. Have you checked this one out yet Mike?

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