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"Watch me!"

"Don't you yell at me!"

"I didn't yel....."

"Don't interrupt me!"



"You did NOT tell me you were falling. You just yelled at me like a wild animal."

I've had my wife threaten to take me off belay for yelling at her to give me slack...WTF?!!)$*(


absolutely no point in climbing w/ SO's...she's a wonderful wife and person in every other way...but as a climbing buddy, no thanks...

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"Watch me!"

"Don't you yell at me!"

"I didn't yel....."

"Don't interrupt me!"




i think climbing can act as an amplifier for the state of a relationship, good or bad.


there's also:

"Why are you going climbing w/ your buds but not climbing w/ me?"

"Is it because I'm not good enough?"

"Is it because you don't love me?"




"Why do you get to go climbing when I have to stay home to take care of [house/kids/dog/whatever]"




"When I'm sick you should stay home with me and take care of me instead of going climbing"



damn gary...did you just get married? :confused:

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Boy, all those professional climber couples must be miserable. Poor Josune climbs with her husband which means that work, hobby and husband are all combined into what must be a living nightmare.


Now I see why you guys are so hostile to new female posters. They're all sirens calling you to a life of anguish.

no kids in that family...

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and halifax...most of us are speaking from our viewpoints/experience...


no one's calling you a pussy-whipped wank for climbing with your so, so don't get all defensive...


oh...and it does totally matter when kids are involved...you can say what you want but 90% of women change when they have kids...my wife is not the same climbing partner she was pre-kids...and i've heard this over and over again...

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I'm mostly arguing over language. I know these are all your own experiences but you are projecting them on to me when I read them so they are an attack. I therefore respond defensively. My point is date whomever the hell you want. Just don't tell me who I have to be with.


In truth, I don't really care. I'm just avoiding the stack of lab books I have to mark. :mad:

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Him: “you’re not watching me”

Me: “ I am too”

Him: “ No you’re not”

Me: “Yes I AM”

Him: “I saw you. You weren’t watching. If you’re not going to pay attention lets just go home”

Me: “Fine. Fuck Off”

Him: “I can’t believe you just told me to Fuck Off”

Me: “Why not? I tell everybody to Fuck Off. Fuck Off”



I don’t think it matters. Some people can climb together, some people can’t. Who says your SO has to be your primary climbing partner? Isn’t it nice to be able to do a few pitches together on occasion?


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Any stressful situation will bring out the best/worst in a relationship.

Maybe we should ALL take your SO climbing to see who they really are.


Great idea - but do it BEFORE you get involved!! Once you're in the relationship, it's too late...

No. Flat out wrong idea there sweety.

Climb with me once or twice without kissing and we'll be normal climbing partners. "SLACK!!!!" will be considered normal.

Start kissing and there is a 99% chance you will expect me to ask for slack like I'm sitting at the dinner table.

"SLACK!!!!" will be rude, inexcusable, uncooth, blah, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah, and another thing.....blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah, and don't call my mother a...blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah, and I'm still mad at you for...blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah.

But hey, you own the vagina so don't expect me to be honest about your expectations later. Just smile and wave as I go off climbing.

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but you are projecting them on to me when I read them so they are an attack


all replies were directly related to the idea of climbing with a SO you made it personal here



Maybe your SO. I quite enjoy climbing with mine.


Go mark those labs, the kids need to study them for the upcoming tests :)

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Isn’t it nice to be able to do a few pitches together on occasion?

No. Fuck off.


Somebody is a little bit bitter. :laf:

I am assumig Minx still has a hint of a sense of humour.

She can't move me to spray so why should I worry?

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but you are projecting them on to me when I read them so they are an attack


all replies were directly related to the idea of climbing with a SO you made it personal here



Maybe your SO. I quite enjoy climbing with mine.


Go mark those labs, the kids need to study them for the upcoming tests :)

I was trying to subtly point out the pitfalls of projecting personal experiences by doing the same from the other point of view. Next time I'll be more explicit.


Back to the labs.

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It's good to share interests, so you can talk about the same stuff and share each other's passion for it, but best for each person to have their own circle of friends and activity partners as well.


It's also good to have separate circles for post breakup, as all the common circles have issues, at least at first. A corollary is if you have a messy breakup in a small town, one of the two has to move elsewhere.

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It's good to share interests, so you can talk about the same stuff and share each other's passion for it, but best for each person to have their own circle of friends and activity partners as well.


It's also good to have separate circles for post breakup, as all the common circles have issues, at least at first. A corollary is if you have a messy breakup in a small town, one of the two has to move elsewhere.

No, small towns are just like dysfunctional, oversized, incestuous families.

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Any stressful situation will bring out the best/worst in a relationship.

Maybe we should ALL take your SO climbing to see who they really are.


Great idea - but do it BEFORE you get involved!! Once you're in the relationship, it's too late...

No. Flat out wrong idea there sweety.

Climb with me once or twice without kissing and we'll be normal climbing partners. "SLACK!!!!" will be considered normal.

Start kissing and there is a 99% chance you will expect me to ask for slack like I'm sitting at the dinner table.

"SLACK!!!!" will be rude, inexcusable, uncooth, blah, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah, and another thing.....blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah, and don't call my mother a...blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah, and I'm still mad at you for...blah, blah,blah, blah,blah, blah.

But hey, you own the vagina so don't expect me to be honest about your expectations later. Just smile and wave as I go off climbing.


How am I wrong? Sounds like we are saying the same thing. No kissing before climbing?

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