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Why Republicans are Happier than Democrats


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As I suspected, you have nothing useful to say. I just wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you are, as always, a dissappointment in the substance department.


if i may offer a perfectly objective read on this, i'd say his "substance" was perfectly explained on the previous page. why you must insist on him needing a hidden agenda seems a bit... paranoid.


and what the hell is a "manzier", pray tell?

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From the urban dictionary - almost prophetic


1. manzier


A brassiere-like device, for men. As seen on Seinfeld.


"In Fight Club, Meat Loaf could do with a manzier"



2. Manzier


A bra for someone with man boobs.


Look at that fat fuck, he needs a manzier.


3. Manzier


Word describing a bra designed for men that possess droopy, saggy, or otherwise oversized pectoral fat. Such men could be said to have man cans, man boobs, man titties, moobs.


If Jack's man cans get any bigger he is going to need a manzier to keep from getting black eyes.




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There is a reason why the Declaration of Independence says, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".


It doesn't say just "happiness". This is because people are never happy when they are stuck in a stagnant place like a Utopia. They want to always be moving towards the next latest and greatest thing. Most of all, they want to have the ability to move up or just move if they want to.


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Interview a tweaker and interview a druggie who states loyalty to Republicans. So they say they are happier because they are on drugs? (I believe Orwell called it soma.)


But why is it, when more of the poor are Republican than Democratic, that Republican candidates struggle when it comes to getting votes from the poor? Easy answer: Tweakers don't vote!

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isn't it strange that guys still insult each other by calling into question their gender?


Hell, I wish *i* had a vagina and a set of tits sometimes.


Lotta tit talk around here these days. Anyone else remember the old Steve Martin stand up routine where he declares, "I could never be a woman. I'd just stand in front of a mirror and play with my tits all day."

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isn't it strange that guys still insult each other by calling into question their gender?


Hell, I wish *i* had a vagina and a set of tits sometimes.


Lotta tit talk around here these days. Anyone else remember the old Steve Martin stand up routine where he declares, "I could never be a woman. I'd just stand in front of a mirror and play with my tits all day."

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