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Why Republicans are Happier than Democrats


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Are Americans Really Unhappy




....The Gallup findings also say, "Republicans are more likely than Independents or Democrats to say they are very satisfied with their personal lives and that they are very happy." Well, duh, the left will say; Republicans are richer, and the rich are happier. That's why the left is so riled up.


But this cliché is no longer true. The rich are not reflexively Republican anymore. In the blue states the opposite is starting to be true: The richer and more educated one is, the likelier one is to vote Democratic or Independent.


If it's not riches, then what is it? Why are Americans happy and Republicans happier still?


One clue comes from George Orwell, whose wartime Tribune (nyse: TRB - news - people ) columns I read during the holiday break. On Dec. 24, 1943, under the pseudonym John Freeman, Orwell wrote that the duty of all left-thinking people is to banish the Christian idea of Heaven and replace it with a nonreligious Utopia of their own design. The problem, writes Orwell, is this:


"All 'favourable' Utopias seem to be alike in postulating perfection while being unable to suggest happiness. [William Morris' novel] News from Nowhere is a sort of goody-goody version of the Wellsian Utopia. Everyone is kindly and reasonable, all the upholstery comes from Liberty's [of London], but the impression left behind is of a sort of watery melancholy. Lord Samuel's recent effort in the same direction, An Unknown Country, is even more dismal. The inhabitants of Bensalem (the word is borrowed from Francis Bacon) give the impression of looking on life as simply an evil to be got through with as little fuss as possible. All that their wisdom has brought them is permanent low spirits."


Orwell wrote this as a man of the left--quite an admission.



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that the duty of all left-thinking people is to banish the Christian idea of Heaven and replace it with a nonreligious Utopia of their own design




Everyone is trying to get to the bar.

The name of the bar, the bar is called Heaven.

The band in Heaven plays my favorite song.

They play it once again, they play it all night long.


Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.

Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.


There is a party, everyone is there.

Everyone will leave at exactly the same time.

Its hard to imagine that nothing at all

could be so exciting, and so much fun.


Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.

Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.


When this kiss is over it will start again.

It will not be any different, it will be exactly

the same.

It's hard to imagine that nothing at all

could be so exciting, could be so much fun.

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Thing about statistics is, they indicate that everyone has exactly one testicle and half a vagina, which, in this thread originator's case, might actually be true.


And statistically, the average bra cup size is a A+/B- which in your case might actually be true

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Thing about statistics is, they indicate that everyone has exactly one testicle and half a vagina, which, in this thread originator's case, might actually be true.


And statistically, the average bra cup size is a A+/B- which in your case might actually be true


Nah, I think we'll go back to the topic of your original post and continue along that vein. No one wants to hear the 100th repeat of the manzier joke, save KKK, but then you can lead him around a dark room with a flashlight. So, why are you happier than other people, exactly? Did a desire to share your secrets of happiness motivate you to post this life changing bit of journalistic wonder?

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Thing about statistics is, they indicate that everyone has exactly one testicle and half a vagina, which, in this thread originator's case, might actually be true.


And statistically, the average bra cup size is a A+/B- which in your case might actually be true


the irony abounds today, Eric! hermaphrodite exhibit A accuses others of having both sets of genitalia. :grlaf:

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Thing about statistics is, they indicate that everyone has exactly one testicle and half a vagina, which, in this thread originator's case, might actually be true.


And statistically, the average bra cup size is a A+/B- which in your case might actually be true


Nah, I think we'll go back to the topic of your original post and continue along that vein. No one wants to hear the 100th repeat of the manzier joke, save KKK, but then you can lead him around a dark room with a flashlight. So, why are you happier than other people, exactly? Did a desire to share your secrets of happiness motivate you to post this life changing bit of journalistic wonder?


You forgot Fairweather....he loves the manzier shit

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isn't it strange that guys still insult each other by calling into question their gender?


Hell, I wish *i* had a vagina and a set of tits sometimes.


you know i wonder if 1 testicle, 1/2 a vagina and 1/2 a penis could get the job done?


he forgot to mention that 1/2 penis part in the statistical analysis. i think those stats hit a little too close to home

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Thing about statistics is, they indicate that everyone has exactly one testicle and half a vagina, which, in this thread originator's case, might actually be true.


And statistically, the average bra cup size is a A+/B- which in your case might actually be true


Nah, I think we'll go back to the topic of your original post and continue along that vein. No one wants to hear the 100th repeat of the manzier joke, save KKK, but then you can lead him around a dark room with a flashlight. So, why are you happier than other people, exactly? Did a desire to share your secrets of happiness motivate you to post this life changing bit of journalistic wonder?


You forgot Fairweather....he loves the manzier shit


No, I did not. Fairweather got bored with that one, as most normal people would, quite a while ago. You don't have too many deflection tactics left, Christian. Inquiring minds would like to know a few things about what motivated this thread.

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So is the key idea of your post that the key to happiness is to make up a place to go for after you die? Or is the key motivation of your post a celebration that you're in and liberals are damned? Does that thought make you happy? I'm just wondering what makes a shining example of "Christianity" such as yourself tick, here.


Damn...a guy just posts an interesting article and suddenly he's got some sort of agenda....are you pissy cause you just realized the trail to Mailbox Peak won't be runnable until August?

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So is the key idea of your post that the key to happiness is to make up a place to go for after you die? Or is the key motivation of your post a celebration that you're in and liberals are damned? Does that thought make you happy? I'm just wondering what makes a shining example of "Christianity" such as yourself tick, here.


Damn...a guy just posts an interesting article and suddenly he's got some sort of agenda....are you pissy cause you just realized the trail to Mailbox Peak won't be runnable until August?


the article must have hit too close to home

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I have seen many miserable people that would tell anyone who asks that they are happy. To me it says that Republicans are more disillusioned.


I don't understand the point of this article. It starts off rambling about a random poll with a quote about utopias from Orwell which is supposed to convince me that left thinkers are inherently unhappy? It then jumps to Edwards being a 'hater' which is why he's out? It then rambles on to an ill defined concept coined stagflation with an anecdote about a rich snob eating at a mall buffet before going to a movie. It concludes by saying that tax cuts and sound money are the only way to improve the situation of stagflation which I still don't understand what the hell it's supposed to be. Stagnating inflation? Eating bad venison? Sound money? Invest in the music industry? WTF??!!!!


Is it just written in a lexicon I've never seen but should be aware of? Why is this guy earning an admittedly big wage from Forbes?

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