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JFK was not a great President. What did he actually do? I realize a lot of people liked him. I liked him. But what did he actually DO that made him a great President?


Say what you want about Bush. I'm no fan. But NO one deserves to be assassinated. Especially an American President. Have fun with the secret service 111.


He inspired an entire generation by starting our first and only human journey to another planet.


As for the secret service comment, congratulations: you've won the Drama Queen of the Week award.

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JFK was not a great President. What did he actually do? I realize a lot of people liked him. I liked him. But what did he actually DO that made him a great President?


Say what you want about Bush. I'm no fan. But NO one deserves to be assassinated. Especially an American President. Have fun with the secret service 111.


He inspired an entire generation by starting our first and only human journey to another planet.


As for the secret service comment, congratulations: you've won the Drama Queen of the Week award.


Yes, it was all about the wonder of discovery and rainbows and bunnies. Nothing to do with the Cold War.






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JFK was not a great President. What did he actually do? I realize a lot of people liked him. I liked him. But what did he actually DO that made him a great President?


Say what you want about Bush. I'm no fan. But NO one deserves to be assassinated. Especially an American President. Have fun with the secret service 111.


He confronted the commies and forced Khrushchyov to back down, for one.


He also lowered taxes - pretty damn sweet for a Dem.


-Bay of Pigs.




"In May 1961, President Kennedy sent 500 more American advisers to Vietnam, bringing American forces to 1,400 men. The military wanted more men saying that with 13,000 troops they could wipe out the Vietcong. Kennedy didn't know what to do; as men he trusted argued both sides of the issue.


Kennedy was not deciding the fate of Vietnam with a worry free head. Cuba, Berlin, Laos, and the Soviet Union all weighed on the President. Kennedy believed that the real issue in Vietnam was the effectiveness of the South Vietnamese government but whether the US would allow Communist aggression to stand in Vietnam. Apparently, Vietnam had turned into a test of American resolve; Kennedy hated the idea of failing the test. Slowly, over the next year, Kennedy escalated American involvement in the war.


By the end of 1962, the military had received what they wanted. The US had 11,300 officers operating in South Vietnam. Kennedy was told in early 1963 that the war was fast being won and that he could begin withdrawing troops by the end of the year. The war was far from being won.


South Vietnam was a mess. The Diem regime had become a nightmare. Either by the stealing of American aid and military supplies, it's refusal to implement land reform programs, or the continued attack on the Buddhist community; Diem had to go it the war was to be won. Kennedy agreed for the CIA to assist in a South Vietnamese army coup against Diem. On November 2, 1963, Diem was assassinated.


Kennedy still did not know was policy to pursue in Vietnam. He had already begun to speak to his advisers about pulling out. He had announced that he was pulling out 1,000 men from Vietnam at the end of the year. Kennedy, however, left no doubt that he will see the war through until he won reelection in 1964. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. The only thing certain about Kennedy's role in Vietnam before he died was that he had escalated America's military, political, and maybe psychological commitment to Vietnam."




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Kennedy believed that the real issue in Vietnam was the effectiveness of the South Vietnamese government but whether the US would allow Communist aggression to stand in Vietnam. Apparently, Vietnam had turned into a test of American resolve; Kennedy hated the idea of failing the test.


Yes, and I believe we passed that test, irrespective of the Vietnam war bashing. In reality the cold war changed dramatically after Vietnam - and not for the worse from our (the US's) perspective.


Kennedy was a pretty good president - no Truman or FDR, but a hell of a lot better than W, Clinton, or Bush 41.

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JFK was not a great President. What did he actually do? I realize a lot of people liked him. I liked him. But what did he actually DO that made him a great President?


Say what you want about Bush. I'm no fan. But NO one deserves to be assassinated. Especially an American President. Have fun with the secret service 111.


He inspired an entire generation by starting our first and only human journey to another planet.


As for the secret service comment, congratulations: you've won the Drama Queen of the Week award.


Yes, it was all about the wonder of discovery and rainbows and bunnies. Nothing to do with the Cold War.






The hipster cynicism of a 21st century nobody does little to denigrate the monumental achievements of Kennedy's space program. To you, one who did not live through it, it may seem like just another Cold War publicity stunt. To me, and to the rest of the world (including the Russians), who actually witnessed that first step onto an alien world in 1969, it was a life changing event.

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I wasn't denigrating the achievement, I was denigrating your profound misunderstanding of and utter obliviousness to the strategic imperatives that gave rise to it.


Keep pretending that the space program was all about the bunnies and the rainbows, and that Kennedy was a McGovern clone with a tan and good hair if it that's what it takes to keep the boomer naricisso-onano-amnesia going, though.



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Yet another 'hipster' trait: they just KNOW things about people. That is so fucking cool.


And no, you WERE denigrating the achievement. And this from an armchair genius who's contributed virtually nothing to the world so far. You're just too much of a fucking pissant to admit it.


Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Weapons into plowshares. Even better.


Keep trying, tool. The harder you try, the worse your aim gets.


True. None of the technology that was either developed or improved in the space program was ever put to use in military applications... :lmao:

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Yet another 'hipster' trait: they just KNOW things about people. That is so fucking cool.


And no, you WERE denigrating the achievement. And this from an armchair genius who's contributed virtually nothing to the world so far. You're just too much of a fucking pissant to admit it.


Hmmm. I'd posit that virtually nothing is a relative term. I'm working ~50-60 hours a week in a basic research lab that's engaged in enhancing our understanding of the basic mechanisms of viral replication and pathology, and personally engaged in developing a novel high-throughput assay to discover new therapeutics to inhibit the said virus, amongst other efforts.


What is it that you do with your time these days?



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