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Legend of the Ronny


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We quietly gave up those missiles in Turkey after the Soviets withdrew theirs from Cuba. We also issued a public promise to never invade Cuba. Kennedy/we did not win the famous Cuban Missile Crisis.


Silly me, I thought we one it because we didn't annihilate each other.


Well that and our leader wasn't deposed because of losing it.

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We quietly gave up those missiles in Turkey after the Soviets withdrew theirs from Cuba. We also issued a public promise to never invade Cuba. Kennedy/we did not win the famous Cuban Missile Crisis.


Silly me, I thought we one it because we didn't annihilate each other.


Well that and our leader wasn't deposed because of losing it.


Um. I believe he was "deposed" about one year later. By a self-described communist recently back from a trip to The Soviet Union. Curious, eh?

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You do realize, that up until 1945 the Soviets were, for all intents, our allies?
How do you know that fear over our apparent plan of nuclear-backed domination of the world didn't sour the deal? I wasn't there (i.e. in the CCCP), and neither were you. Forgive me for my skepticism in the face of the constant dogma that we are always good, innocent victims and that our enemies always have been and always will be evil murderers who have it coming. Somehow that strikes me as a little too simple... it almost sounds like some kind of idealistic political philosophy... executed perfectly, at least until people start realizing that there is no shit that does not stink.


Stalin slaughtered millions of his own people, as did Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, and every other infamous communist cocksucker is a murdering, evil dog. There's a huge difference between characterizing us Americans/Democrats/Capitalists as "innocent" victims and saying we are far better than the communists. Your moral equivalency is complete fucking bullshit. Too bad you don't live in Stalinist Russia, along with TTK. You deserve it.


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That makes two idiots who can't discern the difference between an inherently violent political philosophy and one that is not.


Communism IS inherently violent. Look at the body count and the track record, you worthless piece of shit.


Wow, you really DON'T understand the concept of an 'instance'.


Yeah, Marxism is a laudable philosophy, which has only been twisted and "improperly" implemented. If only its noble goals could be realized in a perfect "instantiation" or "implementation". I've heard it all before from commie-sympathizing pukes such as yourself. Gee, is Nazism just "fascism" gone bad too? A bad "instantiation" of a legitimate philosophical form of government. You're a typical leftie fuck who will rationalize anything as long as it meets your anti-capitalist, America-hating, world view. Fuck off and die, pinko.


Oh, and for the record, applying principles of a hard science, or tech career to real life - like history or politics, and theory of government, only shows a certain, ahem, ignorance and social retardation that is all too common from your ilk. Gee, let's construct a mathematical model, or scientific experiment, or misapply a concept in OO languages to explain forms of government and historical events. I laugh at you and fart in your general direction, comrade. Now instantiate this gesture: my middle finger right in your fat fucking face. :wave:




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Worth a repost.

Having studied the effects of nuclear weapons on warships and been through NBC drills on them, it was made very clear to me in training that tactical nuclear torpedoes, which detonate underwater, are quite lethal.


Goddamn!!!!!!!! The Tvash has yet another career! In addition to entomologist, soldier, Cheif Technology Officer of an IT firm, battery/circuit designer, Literary Critic, ACLU attorney, speed climber, virologist, day-trading world traveler, husband, self-proclaimed great lover, and religious scholar, the Tvashman hath yet another page to share on his resume!! This is just toooooooooooooooooooo incredible. Now, tell us about your secret nuclear training...I want to hear all about it. I mean, I know there's stuff you're not allowed to say n'all, but, really, I want to hear what it was like out there man! Did they make you wear goggles and shit? How did you ever find time to do all of that financial, high tech, medical, literary stuff? You are one busy dude.



And totally full of fucking shit. Seriously. Your lies and fantasies are getting out of control.



By the way champ, it wasn't called the "Baker" test. It was called Crossroads. Baker - "B" - simply denotes the second test of the series. See also, Castle, Ivy series, etc. But, of course, you already knew this. :rolleyes: You can now run back, correct the errors in your post, and act like you knew all along what the fuck you were talking about.

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I would say the economic tenets of communism are at least as repulsive as its death toll. And it's utter destruction of the human spirit and individuality is more repulsive still. Like I've taught my kids: Better dead than red. ...and if Tvashy were physically able to reproduce, he could teach his kids as he saw fit too.

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Reluctantly crouched at the starting line,

Engines pumping and thumping in time.

The green light flashes, the flags goes up,

Churning and burning, they yern for the cup.


They deftly manouver and muscle for rank,

Fuel burning fast on an empty tank,

Wreckless and wild they pour thru the turns,

Their prowless is podent and secretly stern.


As they speed thru the finish the flags go down.

The fans get up, and get out of town.

The arena is empty except for one man,

Still driving and striving as fast as he can


The sun has gone down and the moon has come up,

And long ago somebody left with the cup,

But he's driving and striving and hugging the turns,

And thinking of someone for whom he still burns.

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I would say the economic tenets of communism are at least as repulsive as its death toll. And it's utter destruction of the human spirit and individuality is more repulsive still. Like I've taught my kids: Better dead than red. ...and if Tvashy were physically able to reproduce, he could teach his kids as he saw fit too.


When you've attempted to supplant the price system with a central bureaucratic mechanism that makes both economic calculation and efficient coordination of supply and demand literally impossible, and you couple that with an incentive system that's profoundly at odds with human nature - the amazing thing isn't that no one's ever managed to make it work, but that anyone ever believed that it would.



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But FW's merely paying homage to a time when we became the Good Guys and they the Bad Guys--because we got the bomb first, and the winners write the history books.

Yeah, that's exactly why we were the good guys - we got the bomb first. :rolleyes: You're a fucking ass clown.

Did you even read the last clause? Do you have a problem with grammar?

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When you've attempted to supplant the price system with a central bureaucratic mechanism that makes both economic calculation and efficient coordination of supply and demand literally impossible, and you couple that with an incentive system that's profoundly at odds with human nature - the amazing thing isn't that no one's ever managed to make it work, but that anyone ever believed that it would.[\b]



Gee, some besserwissers, *still* think it would work... just with the correct "instantiation". :grlaf:

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