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Premarital sex


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Keep in mind there a lot of sexbots out there whose idea of avoiding 'premarital sex' can include some pretty freaky shit.
I grew up in Utah, where a common practice for young women that wanted to "save" themselves for marriage in the temple was to take in the ass instead. Somehow, I don't see the rational, but I guess they were still virgins, on paper anyway. Still seems like pre mariatal sex to me.


so at what point has sex started and polite company is over?

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Keep in mind there a lot of sexbots out there whose idea of avoiding 'premarital sex' can include some pretty freaky shit.
I grew up in Utah, where a common practice for young women that wanted to "save" themselves for marriage in the temple was to take in the ass instead. Somehow, I don't see the rational, but I guess they were still virgins, on paper anyway. Still seems like pre mariatal sex to me.



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Keep in mind there a lot of sexbots out there whose idea of avoiding 'premarital sex' can include some pretty freaky shit.
I grew up in Utah, where a common practice for young women that wanted to "save" themselves for marriage in the temple was to take in the ass instead. Somehow, I don't see the rational, but I guess they were still virgins, on paper anyway. Still seems like pre mariatal sex to me.



You're late.

She's already heading back to the suppository aisle.

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For it! You have to screw before you marry...you have to know if she is any good or not.....or is she or he is teachable.....cant marry a prude.



I'm not as crude as you, but I see where yer going. I think sex is a crucial step in getting to know someone, and persanally, I would not marry someone unless there was a pre=established healthy sexual relationship. Sex changes a relationship SOOOO much, marrying someone without already knowing them completely seems like madness.

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Sex changes a relationship SOOOO much
Yeah, so does pregnancy, I hear.


But really though, what is the point of marriage again? How many people should really be saying "let's just try not to fuck this up for the kids" instead of all the "I do" and "till death do us part" bullshit? I mean if one is so sure about that stuff, why should they need promises and rings and such? Doubt, that's why.

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For it! You have to screw before you marry...you have to know if she is any good or not.....or is she or he is teachable.....cant marry a prude.



I'm not as crude as you, but I see where yer going. I think sex is a crucial step in getting to know someone, and persanally, I would not marry someone unless there was a pre=established healthy sexual relationship. Sex changes a relationship SOOOO much, marrying someone without already knowing them completely seems like madness.



I dont believe what I wrote to be crude. Just true.

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