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How to Pay for Your Neg/Am I-O ARM


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Drug enforcement officials are seeing a spike in a lucrative cottage industry: indoor marijuana crops. This year's National Drug Threat Assessment, released by the Justice Department in October, says "vigorous outdoor cannabis eradication efforts have caused many marijuana producers, particularly Caucasian groups, to relocate indoors."


The "grow houses," as they're called, can be found in neighborhoods around the country, but they're becoming especially common in the Pacific Northwest — particularly in the suburbs of Seattle. Local police and federal investigators have raided at least 50 houses in the past two years alone. Authorities say they're just starting to get a handle on how widespread the practice is becoming...


The marijuana is grown in the middle of some very respectable Seattle suburbs, such as Renton. DEA special agent Clark Leininger has spent many long hours on stakeouts in quiet cul de sacs outside split-level homes that might sell for more than $400,000. He says he often has good evidence that a house is stuffed with pot plants, but he holds off making arrests, so he can find the larger network.


"Most of these people who are orchestrating these operations have multiple houses. Some investigators say the minimum is three, some say five. The largest number that I've run into is 12," Leininger says, referring to a case he investigated right there in Renton.


Leininger says the growers prefer to own their houses, because it eliminates the risk of a nosy landlord. And he says growers — or their intermediaries — have little trouble getting the loans to buy the houses they need. He said the man who bought 12 houses was a typical case.


"Many of the loans were zero-down, no-document loans," he says. "He did not have any employment, and if I remember correctly, he was able to purchase about $6 million worth of property — and he didn't have a job.""



Edited by JayB
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