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The Story of Thanksgiving


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It isn't a real Thanksgiving story if it doesn't have a turkey drawn by tracing your hand and adding a beak and a Pilgrim hat.


My kids decorated the house with these hand turkeys the night hand before Thanksgiving. It was almost worth going to all the trouble to see all those cute little gobblers. Almost being the operative word.

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Okay, Minx, here's what you have to do. Ditch your family and come to my house for Christmas. We stay in our jammies until at least lunchtime. It's all about playing and having fun! We also serve birthday cake along with chocolate fondue for dessert if you've got a sweet tooth.


I want to hear Arch's New Years story.


Where are your pics, Minx?


Good tale, Feck's. Almost getting run down by the horse-riding police on New Years Eve earns bonus points.

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My inlaws christmas morning, allways starts out with two or three Raymous Gin Fizzes :) (Vanilla Ice cream + 1 raw egg + Lemonade + Gin+Blender = :grin: )


Makes everything more pleasant, and they aren't even drama queens :tup:



Hmmmm....are these the same inlaws that celebrate thanksgiving with chili and beer? I'm sensing a celebratory theme with these folks: :brew::brew: :brew:


We made the rounds on Thanksgiving: stopped by a few friends' and family gatherings, watched with smug amusement as they slaved away in their steamy poultrified kitchens, then politely excused ourselves from the mayhem just before each one was ready to sit down to dinner. Oh, we were SO smooth. :cool:


Then we took the doggers to the beach and held hands as we watched the sun set over the water.


We're very low-key for Christmas, too. Late Christmas morning, I make a mean batch of homemade banana-oatmeal pancakes with real maple syrup, fruit salad, and homemade honey-yogurt. You can wear your jammies if you wanna join us. :wave:

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isn't that how the bible says we should celebrate the birth of christ? by having a family gathering where everyone can put on their best display of passive/agressive behaviour whilst getting sloshed and exchanging gifts with people who, like myself, already have more than enough "stuff". i'm pretty sure that would've been what jesus had in mind.


Yes, it is.


The First Christmas featured Mary riding Joseph's ass the whole trip to Bethlehem.

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Hmmmm....are these the same inlaws that celebrate thanksgiving with chili and beer? I'm sensing a celebratory theme with these folks: :brew::brew: :brew:


We made the rounds on Thanksgiving: stopped by a few friends' and family gatherings, watched with smug amusement as they slaved away in their steamy poultrified kitchens, then politely excused ourselves from the mayhem just before each one was ready to sit down to dinner. Oh, we were SO smooth. :cool:


Then we took the doggers to the beach and held hands as we watched the sun set over the water.


We're very low-key for Christmas, too. Late Christmas morning, I make a mean batch of homemade banana-oatmeal pancakes with real maple syrup, fruit salad, and homemade honey-yogurt. You can wear your jammies if you wanna join us. :wave:


Yep, those are the in-laws :tup: They certainly have they're priorities strait and we getg along famously.


Sounds like you have the holidays down pat Sherri!

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