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Democratic Congress To Continue Wiretaps


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The bill ...would also give the foreign intelligence court a role in approving, in advance, “basket” or “umbrella” warrants for bundles of overseas communications, according to a Congressional official.


gee, I thought this was something only those evil neocons would engage in.


where is the outrage, MattP and others?


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The bill ...would also give the foreign intelligence court a role in approving, in advance, “basket” or “umbrella” warrants for bundles of overseas communications, according to a Congressional official.


gee, I thought this was something only those evil neocons would engage in.


where is the outrage, MattP and others?


Dude.....you sound as if you approve of this?


Do you really back the president for admitting he is ILLEGALLY wiretapping who ever he wants? He is breaking the law and should be impeached.


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The bill ...would also give the foreign intelligence court a role in approving, in advance, “basket” or “umbrella” warrants for bundles of overseas communications, according to a Congressional official.


gee, I thought this was something only those evil neocons would engage in.


where is the outrage, MattP and others?


Dude.....you sound as if you approve of this?


Do you really back the president for admitting he is ILLEGALLY wiretapping who ever he wants? He is breaking the law and should be impeached.


Dude your rhetoric is tiresome, and well, old.

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The bill ...would also give the foreign intelligence court a role in approving, in advance, “basket” or “umbrella” warrants for bundles of overseas communications, according to a Congressional official.


gee, I thought this was something only those evil neocons would engage in.


where is the outrage, MattP and others?


Dude.....you sound as if you approve of this?


Do you really back the president for admitting he is ILLEGALLY wiretapping who ever he wants? He is breaking the law and should be impeached.


Dude your rhetoric is tiresome, and well, old.



At least I have rhetoric! :wazup: Sounds like you approve of it too? What is wrong with you?

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You mean, when an individual suspected of engaging in or plotting terrorist actions makes a call, or sends an e-mail to Eric from overseas - would he object to the NSA using the authority granted by FISA and/or whatever statute the Democrats pass to intercept that communication?


I assume that this is the "what" that you are referring to.

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You mean, when an individual suspected of engaging in or plotting terrorist actions makes a call, or sends an e-mail to Eric from overseas - would he object to the NSA using the authority granted by FISA and/or whatever statute the Democrats pass to intercept that communication?


I assume that this is the "what" that you are referring to.



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Do you approve of it?


I approve of it


Will you approve of it when is happens to you and your family?


If they want to listen to my conversations, they are welcome. Who gives a shit? To them, I'm some nameless faceless John Doe who's talkin dirty to his wife. So I'm (in the nameless/faceless i.e. "some dude from seattle" sense) the topic of some lunchroom conversation in a basement pentagon lunchroom - I could give a rat's ass. It's a "civil liberty" I'd happily give up for the greater good and for the safety of my family.

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You mean, when an individual suspected of engaging in or plotting terrorist actions makes a call, or sends an e-mail to Eric from overseas - would he object to the NSA using the authority granted by FISA and/or whatever statute the Democrats pass to intercept that communication?


I assume that this is the "what" that you are referring to.


The point is the preservation of the 4th amendment. The right to privacy in our homes. So the “what” is subjective….and some day “plotting to do terrorists activity’ might not be the center point…..maybe Bush or the next or next president decides he thinks you are praying too much or not enough……the list goes on and on for reasons the Commander and Chief might want to listen in on you. If they want to listen to communication going and coming from this country I am fine with that…..but if they want to listen to our US citizens….you need a warrant. That is the law.


I admit Ericb, Jayb and myself are small peanuts……but what about the constitution? What about Habeas Corpus? .


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Well, the investigations of the Church Commission led to FISA, which, if I understand correctly, incorporated a system of checks and balances, the wisdom of which is supposed to be a cornerstone, also, of our system of government.


Would it be too dificult to imagine the temptation of using all that data as a tool for domestic law enforcement, in other words, to not make a distinction between foreign and domestic communications because if you're not doing anything illegal then what's the problem?



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to not make a distinction between foreign and domestic communications because if you're not doing anything illegal then what's the problem?



The complete disrespect of the constitution……the 4th amendment to be exact. That is the problem……


Where does it end?



"As long as they are not drilling for oil in my back yard then who cares if they drill in Alaska or in Camp 4"?


Where does it end?


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Do you approve of it?


I approve of it


Will you approve of it when is happens to you and your family?


If they want to listen to my conversations, they are welcome. Who gives a shit? To them, I'm some nameless faceless John Doe who's talkin dirty to his wife. So I'm (in the nameless/faceless i.e. "some dude from seattle" sense) the topic of some lunchroom conversation in a basement pentagon lunchroom - I could give a rat's ass. It's a "civil liberty" I'd happily give up for the greater good and for the safety of my family.



you'll have the oportunity to give up more. were fucked either way, enjoy your family and freedom while it last.

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If they want to listen to my conversations, they are welcome. Who gives a shit? To them, I'm some nameless faceless John Doe who's talkin dirty to his wife. So I'm (in the nameless/faceless i.e. "some dude from seattle" sense) the topic of some lunchroom conversation in a basement pentagon lunchroom - I could give a rat's ass. It's a "civil liberty" I'd happily give up for the greater good and for the safety of my family.


I'm always humored by these "by the numbers" people who don't have any flexibility in their thinking. We are under threat, and they seem intent on making this a discussion about our "civil liberties". I can't think of a single freedom of mine that has been taken away. Last time I checked, I could still do everything I was able to do before. It's not like they are putting a video camera in my home; it's just a microphone really, when you think about it. Plus, think about all the other criminal activity that they'll be able to put an end to.


And we certainly don't need a judge to see the "evidence", before allowing the eaves-dropping. How can a judge possibly check the evidence on millions of phone calls? He can't! Plus, what if he is one of these "civil liberties" types that wants a lot of evidence? You know you have a good lead, a feeling, you know? He's not going to listen to your feelings. He's going to want facts, and we don't have time for that. FISA put way too many burdens on intelligence collection, binding it to constitutional priciples and protections (as if we could have both; another example of the lefty idealism).

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Do you approve of it?


I approve of it


Will you approve of it when is happens to you and your family?


If they want to listen to my conversations, they are welcome. Who gives a shit? To them, I'm some nameless faceless John Doe who's talkin dirty to his wife. So I'm (in the nameless/faceless i.e. "some dude from seattle" sense) the topic of some lunchroom conversation in a basement pentagon lunchroom - I could give a rat's ass. It's a "civil liberty" I'd happily give up for the greater good and for the safety of my family.



you'll have the oportunity to give up more. were fucked either way, enjoy your family and freedom while it last.


come on, dude, we'll form militias and shit, with shotguns.

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Do you approve of it?


I approve of it


Will you approve of it when is happens to you and your family?


If they want to listen to my conversations, they are welcome. Who gives a shit? To them, I'm some nameless faceless John Doe who's talkin dirty to his wife. So I'm (in the nameless/faceless i.e. "some dude from seattle" sense) the topic of some lunchroom conversation in a basement pentagon lunchroom - I could give a rat's ass. It's a "civil liberty" I'd happily give up for the greater good and for the safety of my family.



you'll have the oportunity to give up more. were fucked either way, enjoy your family and freedom while it last.


come on, dude, we'll form militias and shit, with shotguns.


sometimes i feel like everybody has given up. i hope your right.

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I love it! The same losers who gripe about the government listening in on suspect overseas communications are the very same idiots who scream the loudest on Monday morning that the government "failed to connect the dots!" ala 9/11. They also happen to be the same screwballs who support government/single payer health care and have no problem whatsoever with some future agent of the government sticking his gloved hand up their ass and recording his findings in a government database. Fucking idiots, all. The ultimate hypocrites.

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I love it! The same losers who gripe about the government listening in on suspect overseas communications are the very same idiots who scream the loudest on Monday morning that the government "failed to connect the dots!" ala 9/11. They also happen to be the same screwballs who support government/single payer health care and have no problem whatsoever with some future agent of the government sticking his gloved hand up their ass and recording his findings in a government database. Fucking idiots, all. The ultimate hypocrites.


the problem starts when there is no oversight. no judge, no warrant.

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