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bottled water > gasoline


now THAT'S funny...


milk > gasoline too


Where in the hell are you buying it?


OK, it's cheaper at CostCo, but not full-price at regular grocery stores, unless you buy the "cheaper" brand of milk (which usually even tastes of the injected hormones)


they give us free sugary drinks to fatten us up in our vealpens


with caffeine so you can work late/long hours. mmmm Mountain Dew and Jolt!


oh yes


cog in the wheel am I.


My last place of employment always had the breakroom stocked with free M&Ms.


Where I'm at now, we get free pop but since I don't do pop, I'm gonna lobby for beer - seems reasonable. Nothing like spitting out quality code after a few brews.

we have beer in the fridge. It hasn't moved in months


ditto. it's a nice trick - give the impression of being hip, but then reality kicks in, ne c'est pas?


You mean "n'est-ce pas," Mr. Beta Kappa.


Just how many languages are you illiterate in? :laf:

we have beer in the fridge. It hasn't moved in months


ditto. it's a nice trick - give the impression of being hip, but then reality kicks in, ne c'est pas?


You mean "n'est-ce pas," Mr. Beta Kappa.


Just how many languages are you illiterate in? :laf:




You mean "n'est-ce pas," Mr. Beta Kappa.


Just how many languages are you illiterate in? :laf:


Actually, I've got an idea, dickhead. It takes absolutely zero knowledge to nitpick typos and snipe from afar. One quick Google search and you can double check any foreign phrase. I'll wager that you looked at what I wrote, and didn't know what it meant, did a Google search, found the mistake, and then, being so clever, took a snipe.


So, how about you post a few sentences in French, and I'll respond in like. Although I never claimed fluency in that language (I'm conversational), it might be entertaining to see you squirm.


I expect utter silence from you, for as we saw in the discussion of comparative educational credentials - you are great at attacking someone whom you do not exceed by any measure.


And I close with one more FOAD. :fahq:

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