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Organic McDonalds


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McDonalds in Sweden serve organic beef and milk, recycle 97% of restaurnt waste and are working on other various eco-friendly practices:


* half of the McDonalds, the bakery and the national headquarters now run on hydropower

* all new restuarants use water pipes made of recycled plastic, wood framing instead of steel, and wood foundations instead of concrete.

* 7 restaurants are researching a biological filter for their fry stations which uses bacteria to eat the oil and reuses the clean, hot air to heat the restuarant.


Pretty weird.

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nope because their soap would be produced from subjects fed hormone-enhanced food with artificial additives.



Not necessarily. What if they fed thier fatties nothing but organic lard, and organic sugar? Then the soap derived from excessive adipose accumulation would therefore be ORGANIC! Plus, whats a little growth hormone? I don't know about you guys, but those kids walking the inner city streets, standing 26 feet tall, 32,000 pounds, those are some prime basketball physiques!

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