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Sherri, that is hot! I did some art in college with nude models, and it was a pretty weird, but cool experience. My gf (thing) does nude modeling for Western sometimes, and she wants me to do it too. WELL THEN! I don't know..........I'd probably do it. I just might be crazy enough.


Oh yeah, I sort of suck at painting, but I could make you one solid color, or I could possibly do a two tone if I concentrate. What do you think, water colors, oil, or latex?

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You should give the modelling a try. (THEN we can discuss what medium would be appropriate... :eveeel:) It's an enlightening experience--NOT moving is more strenuous than one would expect. I'm generally not one to enjoy sitting still for very long, if at all, but I found it to be a rewarding challenge, both physically and mentally.


Plus, it was for a good cause: art. :tup:

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