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devalve? you mean devolve? Or do you have someone "devalve" you? (Which sounds like fun, by the way)


gawd, i love "muffyisms"


6 of one half a dozen of the other... it's all about the change :)


btw it is all to amuse you rumr :D

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"I don't condone child abuse ... but I sure as hell understand it.


On a positive note, that kid will eventually grow fat and stupid like the rest of us, except that he'll have memories of the "good old days" when he could campus like a monkey. These memories will send him into despair. He will become an alcoholic and his downward spiral will ruin him.


In contrast, I have no "good old days" memories whatsoever that I could get depressed over. I'm stoked when I can pull 5.11, and my alcoholism is all about, "I pulled 5.11, dude!!! I need another beer! Yeee-hawww!!!" "




Whoever you are, you are brilliant.

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devalve? you mean devolve? Or do you have someone "devalve" you? (Which sounds like fun, by the way)


gawd, i love "muffyisms"


6 of one half a dozen of the other... it's all about the change :)


btw it is all to amuse you rumr :D

well you certainly "amuse" me... ;)

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The whole point of ropeup is getting a bunch of youths together and letting them do what happens naturally everytime: recreate the screenplay for Lord of the Flies.


Maybe you should sue CBS, Porter. They've run with that idea and have a new show premiering this fall, Kid Nation or something like that. They take a bunch of kids (young grade school to high school age), turn them loose and have them be in charge of everything for a month or so.

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The whole point of ropeup is getting a bunch of youths together and letting them do what happens naturally everytime: recreate the screenplay for Lord of the Flies.


Maybe you should sue CBS, Porter. They've run with that idea and have a new show premiering this fall, Kid Nation or something like that. They take a bunch of kids (young grade school to high school age), turn them loose and have them be in charge of everything for a month or so.




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